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used to refer to a system of communication where only the people communicating can read the messages:
Will end-to-end encryption eliminate the chance that stolen cardholder data can be used successfully for fraudulent transactions?
This section focuses on end-to-end data privacy, where no intermediate nodes are able to understand the data that passes through them.
He wants the company to provide an end-to-end service, from early clinical trials all the way through to high-volume manufacturing.
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including everything that is necessary for all the parts of a computer network to be connected and work together:
The end–to–end anastomosis between the left subclavian and pulmonary arteries was aneurysmal, 2 cm across and thin walled.
Resection and end–to–end anastomosis using a continuous absorbable suture is the method ofchoice according to theoretical considerations and our experiences.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên thienmaonline.vn thienmaonline.vn hoặc của thienmaonline.vn University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
We show both analytically and experimentally that for certain important cases, this extra cost does not seriously affect end–to–end running time.
In several reports, purified junctional structures show a remarkable ability to spontaneously form end–to–end structures.
The arterial duct was closed, the coarctation was resected, and the aorta repaired with an end–to–end anastomosis.
This caused the results of an end–to–end testing of the integrated software to fluctuate drastically depending on which set of inputs was used.
Operational laws require detailed monitoring of system resources and end–to–end request tracking, but do not depend on any assumptions of workload or service patterns.
Two patients were noted to have residual stenosis with aliasing bloodflowpatterns beginning at the site of end–to–end anastomoses.
They can, for example, be used to implement a method of communication with a server which provides “end–to–end” confirmation that requests have been processed.
The thermodynamic variables measured are force (an intensive variable) and extension or end–to–end distance (an extensive variable).
575 more efficient calculations, leading us to reach the goal of integrated end–to–end simulation significantly sooner than would be possible otherwise.
The interruption was repaired by end–to–end anastomosis, and the patent left arterial duct was ligated.
Chromosomes are often seen to be associating end–to–end, again more consistent with complex rearrangements than sticky chromosomes.

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