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Bạn đang xem: Synergy là gì
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the combined power, profits, etc. that can be achieved by two organizations or groups of people working together rather than separately:
create/deliver/generate synergy The merger will help the manufacturing company achieve synergies that will allow it to remain competitive.
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synergy benefits/savings/targets The synergy savings of €275m targeted by the merger look modest compared with the inherited costs of the project.
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annual/cost/financial synergies The deal would create enhanced value for shareholders through the delivery of $500m of annual synergies.
However, the possible synergy between this and the epistemological and political challenges from other people, is not being studied.
In what kind of areas are we more likely to witness synergies between regulatory policy and market forces?
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The closing working session helped to elaborate on the issues surrounding the synergy of the three areas.
Together the three dimensions produced a diplomatic synergy that both complicated, and ultimately accommodated a diplomatic solution.
We are exploring the use of fuzzy data mining and concepts introduced by the semantic web to operate in synergy to perform distributed intrusion detection.
Secondly, the impact of regulation can be amplified by competitive forces when there are synergies between regulatory and market pressures.
The synergy of demanding practical applications and theoretical advances has driven tremendous progress in intelligent agents research and development in a remarkably short time.

Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp