On June 30, 1961, Murom was the site of a spontaneous protest and riot against the police and Soviet authorities, following the death in police custody of a senior factory foreman named Kostikov.
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authorities, following the death in police custody of a senior factory foreman named Kostikov.
(Laughter) Now, that might (Laughter) Now, that might seem a bit whimsical, but this pervasiveness of this tendency towards spontaneous order sometimes has unexpected consequences.
The other thing we also spontaneously saw, embarrassingly enough, is spontaneous evidence of larceny.
Languages may even develop spontaneously in environments where people live or grow up together without a common language; for example, creole languages and spontaneously developed sign languages such as Nicaraguan Sign Language.
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In a popular sense, an idea arises in a reflexive, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious reflection, for example, when we talk about the idea of a person or a place.example, when we talk about the idea of a person or a place.
A wave established on the surface either spontaneously as described above, or in laboratory conditions, interacts with the turbulent mean flow in a manner described by Miles.the turbulent mean flow in a manner described by Miles.
Some scientists conclude that the odds of even one protein molecule forming spontaneously are extremely improbable.
For instance, around the 1930s, when the three species were For instance, around the 1930s, when the three species were grown together, many hybrid crosses were produced almost spontaneously in East Africa, India, the Canary Islands, Australia, North America, and the Philippines.North America, and the Philippines.
A mass meeting was staged for the next day, 21 December, which, according to A mass meeting was staged for the next day, 21 December, which, according to the official media, was presented as a “spontaneous movement of support for Ceaușescu,” emulating the 1968 meeting in which Ceaușescu had spoken against the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces.meeting in which Ceaușescu had spoken against the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces.
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The soldiers who remained in the eastern part The soldiers who remained in the eastern part of Alexander”s realm after his death grew agitated by their lengthy stay abroad, and began spontaneous revolts.
All three are radioactive, emitting alpha particles, with the exception All three are radioactive, emitting alpha particles, with the exception that all three of these isotopes have small probabilities of undergoing spontaneous fission, rather than alpha emission.
Controversies exist surrounding the authenticity of recovered memories, particularly in the context of child abuse or Controversies exist surrounding the authenticity of recovered memories, particularly in the context of child abuse or trauma, such as the debatable accuracy of the spontaneous recovery of distressing memories that were previously forgotten due to inhibitory control.
Then it will be spontaneously re-emitted, either in the same frequency as the original or in a cascade, where the sum of the energies of the photons emitted will be equal to the energy of the one absorbed (assuming the system returns to its original state).cascade, where the sum of the energies of the photons emitted will be equal to the energy of the one absorbed (assuming the system returns to its original state).
Although Henry was restored to the Church, any expectations that the Pope would restore support of Henry”s right to the throne were soon dashed; in March, a small group of powerful Saxon and South German territorial magnates, including the archbishops of Salzburg, Mainz and Magdeburg and several bishops, met at Forchheim and, on the assumption that Henry had irretrievably lost the imperial dignity, repudiated the Salian dynasty”s claim to pass the imperial crown by heredity and, in the words of Bruno of Merseburg, present in his bishop”s entourage, declared that “the son Although Henry was restored to the Church, any expectations that the Pope would restore support of Henry”s right to the throne were soon dashed; in March, a small group of powerful Saxon and South German territorial magnates, including the archbishops of Salzburg, Mainz and Magdeburg and several bishops, met at Forchheim and, on the assumption that Henry had irretrievably lost the imperial dignity, repudiated the Salian dynasty”s claim to pass the imperial crown by heredity and, in the words of Bruno of Merseburg, present in his bishop”s entourage, declared that “the son of a king, even if he should be preeminently worthy, should become king by a spontaneous election”.
Norrington refuses until Elizabeth, desperate to save Will, spontaneously accepts Norrington”s earlier marriage proposal.
Many scientists now acknowledge Many scientists now acknowledge that the complex molecules basic to life could not have been spontaneously generated in some prebiotic soup
In April 1944, the Los Alamos Laboratory determined that the rate of spontaneous fission in plutonium bred in a nuclear reactor was too great due to the presence of plutonium-240 and would cause a predetonation, a nuclear chain reaction before the core was fully assembled.was too great due to the presence of plutonium-240 and would cause a predetonation, a nuclear chain reaction before the core was fully assembled.
Ingres” work already contains much of the sensuality, but none of the spontaneity, that was to characterize Romanticism.
In its early days, Mark Storey had a vision of BFC engaging in “guerrilla pranksterism” such as In its early days, Mark Storey had a vision of BFC engaging in “guerrilla pranksterism” such as hopping out of a van or showing up spontaneously in an urban environment and engaging in guerilla gardening.
One example of this One example of this priming is in the moments before waking, in which sympathetic outflow spontaneously increases in preparation for action.
Xem thêm: Nguyên Liệu Tiếng Anh Là Gì, Nghĩa Của Từ : Ingredients
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