
source /sɔ:s/ danh từ nguồn sông, nguồi suối nguồn, nguồn gốcreliable source of information: nguồn tin tức đáng tin cậyidleness is the source of all evil nhàn cư vi bất tiện o nguồn năng lượng o nguồn, nguồn sông § source of energy : nguồn năng lượng § source of sediments : nguồn trầm tích § source operator crew : đội tạo nguồn § source productivity index : chỉ số sản lượng § source rock : đá mẹ § source-bed : lớp đá mẹ, lớp đá gốc § sour-service trim : hệ hợp lưu huỳnh

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Từ điển Collocation
source noun
1 where you get sth from
ADJ. excellent, fertile, good, lucrative, reliable, rich, valuable a fertile source of ideas a lucrative source of income a rich source of vitamins | important, main, major, principal | cheap a cheap source of labour | external, foreign Do you have any foreign sources of income? | independent an independent source of funding | additional | alternative We need to look for alternative sources of energy. | natural | renewable The village obtains all its energy from renewable sources. | energy, food, heat, light, power, water
VERB + SOURCE be, constitute, prove, provide The census constitutes the principal source of official statistics. These crustaceans provide a valuable food source for some fish. | exploit, tap, use (as) The government hopes to tap new sources of employment in the area of health. | locate We tried to locate the source of the sound.
PREP. at ~ Under the PAYE system, employees” income is taxed at source (= by the employer). | ~ of a reliable source of advice
PHRASES a variety of sources The research was funded from a wide variety of sources.
2 person, book, etc. that gives information
ADJ. invaluable, useful, valuable | authoritative, informed, reliable, reputable | unreliable | original | independent | anonymous | primary, secondary | published | biographical, documentary, historical, literary, written | diplomatic, government, intelligence, military, official, police Intelligence sources report a build-up of troops just inside the border. | data, information
VERB + SOURCE use (as) | cite, quote Researchers try to quote primary sources wherever possible. | disclose, name, reveal The police refused to reveal the source of their information.
SOURCE + VERB claim sth, describe sth, disclose sth, indicate sth, report sth, reveal sth, say sth, suggest sth Government sources indicated that a compromise might be reached. One source said: ‘Our blood is up. We are angry at the way we have been treated.’ | deny sth
SOURCE + NOUN material
PREP. according to ~s According to informed sources, a takeover bid is planned for next month. | ~ of
PHRASES sources close to sb Sources close to the player claim he won”t be entering this year”s championship.
Từ điển WordNet
Bạn đang xem: Source là gì
a document (or organization) from which information is obtained
the reporter had two sources for the story
a facility where something is available(technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system
a heat source
a source of carbon dioxide
Xem thêm: Pick Up Là Gì – Các Nghĩa Khác Nhau Của Từ Pick Up
get (a product) from another country or business
She sourced a supply of carpet
They are sourcing from smaller companies
specify the origin of
The writer carefully sourced her report
Microsoft Computer Dictionary
n. 1. In information processing, a disk, file, document, or other collection of information from which data is taken or moved. Compare destination. 2. In a FET, the electrode toward which charge carriers (electrons or holes) move from the source under control of the gate. See also CMOS (definition 1), drain (definition 1), FET, gate (definition 2), MOSFET, NMOS, PMOS.
Xem thêm: Thuyết Minh Là Gì – Khái Niệm Về Văn Thuyết Minh
Oil and Gas Field Glossary
The origin of radiation such as an x-ray tube or radioisotope.
English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary
sourcessyn.: beginning derivation origin root
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