to suddenly express strong feelings of anger, disapproval, or disagreement, either by speaking or in a sound that you make:

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Bạn đang xem: Snort là gì

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Unfortunately, one of the most popular requirements is swimming baths, which is the most expensive form of snort we can find.
Such an explosion could have started a crack in the snort which might then have snapped off as she grounded.
A most effective development in anti-submarine warfare is an improved method of detecting “snorting” submarines.
Driving in the centre lane or the overtaking lane, one finds a heavy vehicle dangerously close behind, snorting up one”s exhaust.
Traditionalists may snort that it would be sacrilege to tamper with the status quo, and some have already this evening.
Whether it should be so in the future in relation to snorts or any other parts of a ship”s superstructure, is now a matter for consideration.





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