The scandal broke (= became public knowledge) right at the beginning of the Conservative Party Conference.

Bạn đang xem: Scandal là gì

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Candidates include response to corruption scandals and imitating a seemingly successful foreign example.
In subsequent months the administration has been bombarded by denunciations of corruption and by media scandals.
Similarly, it might be suggested that when a major scandal surfaces shortly before the time of the survey, respondents may overestimate corruption.
Short-term effects, such as scandals, economic performance, or the popularity of a particular political figure may also lead to distortions that hinder effective cancellation.
Concerns about the scandals in the 1990s led to a reluctance to invest in individual private pensions.
Their relationship continued, to the apparent satisfaction of both men-until, that is, the affair became a scandal.


Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với scandal.

This is, of course, the reason why we assume that a corruption scandal lowers the incumbent”s chance of re-election.

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