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Bạn đang xem: Rug là gì

The territory of the Min was relatively isolated and rugged , thus not as economically prosperous as other regions of the Chinese realm.
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Many specimens are venerated for their unique rugged shapes, and are frequently portrayed in traditional Chinese paintings.

A large part of this area consists of rugged jungle mountains accessible mainly on foot, as well as beautiful coastal regions accessible by sea. as beautiful coastal regions accessible by sea.
Mỗi người trên quốc gia…… mỗi quốc gia trên thế giới đều giữ chặt tay nhau…… và hát bài hát về hòa bình và tình yêu jw2019 jw2019
The rugged outlines of the islands, which have a smattering of tiny, white houses gleaming in the sunlight, inspired one poet to liken them to “stone horses with rampant manes.” sunlight, inspired one poet to liken them to “stone horses with rampant manes.”

Khan Tengri is the highest peak in the rugged Tengri Tag subrange, also known as the Mustag, that also contains Chapayev Peak (6371 m) and Gorky Peak (6050 m). that also contains Chapayev Peak (6371 m) and Gorky Peak (6050 m).

The rugged southern half of the peninsula, and also the Kodiak Archipelago which lie off the south coast of the peninsula and are home to even more bears, constitute the Alaska Peninsula montane taiga ecoregion and contain a number of protected areas such as Katmai National Park. coast of the peninsula and are home to even more bears, constitute the Alaska Peninsula montane taiga ecoregion and contain a number of protected areas such as Katmai National Park.

With Attu taken, the destroyer returned to convoy escort; Caldwell sailed in the screen of the force which carried reinforcements to Kiska, Alaska on 16 August 1943, the day after the first landings on that rugged island.

The animals were exposed to rugged conditions in the upper Pennines in northern England to develop robustness and adaptability.
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Xem thêm: Cơ Sở Dữ Liệu Là Gì? Và Hệ Quản Trị Csdl Là Gì ?

Tôi ko mong bắt đầu như thế Tôi xlỗi về hành động of tôi trên ngọn đồi ted2019 ted2019
But all of us will, at some But all of us will, at some time or another, have to traverse our own spiritual wilderness and undertake our own rugged emotional journeys.
Early painter-collectors incorporated Japanese themes and compositional techniques into their works as Early painter-collectors incorporated Japanese themes and compositional techniques into their works as early as the 1860s: the patterned wallpapers and rugs in Manet”s paintings were inspired by ukiyo-e”s patterned kimonos, and Whistler focused his attention on ephemeral elements of nature as in ukiyo-e landscapes. kimonos, and Whistler focused his attention on ephemeral elements of nature as in ukiyo-e landscapes.

The barren, rugged slopes of this mountain range cover an area of close to 21,000 square kilometers.

A 1958 government leaflet assured voters that A 1958 government leaflet assured voters that unskilled non-British migrants were needed for “labour on rugged projects …work which is not generally acceptable to Australians or British workers.”

The two men removed the blood-stained rug , carried it up the stairs and outside to the Chancellery garden.
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The Yak-52, like most Sothienmaonline.vnet military aircraft, was designed to operate in rugged enthienmaonline.vnronments with minimal maintenance.

Tìm 201 câu trong 5 mili giây. Các câu đến từ nhiều nguồn và chưa được kiểm tra.

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Administratorus, FVDP-English-thienmaonline.vnetnamese-Dictionary, Guest, FVDP thienmaonline.vnetnamese-English Dictionary, LDS, OpenSubtitles2018.v3, jw2019, ted2019, WikiMatrix.
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Rufous-faced Warbler Rufous-naped lark rufous-tailed weaver Rufous-throated Dipper rufous-winged tanager rug rugby rugby football rugged rugged and inaccessible ruggedness rugger rock rugose rugosity rugous

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