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Bạn đang xem: Renaissance là gì

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Xem thêm: Vietinbank Viết Tắt Là Gì, Ngân Hàng

the period of new growth of interest and activity in the areas of art, literature, and ideas in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries
from or relating to the period when there was a new increase in interest and activity in art, literature, and ideas in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries:
The Renaissance was a period of growth and activity in the areas of art, literature, and ideas in Europe during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.

Xem thêm: Lý Tưởng Sống Là Gì, Lí Tưởng Sống Là Gì Câu 2

experience/see/undergo a renaissance Around the beginning of the 21st century, the area”s wine industry underwent something of a renaissance.
I hope for a new renaissance of collaborations between composers and artists from other media, utilising the potentials of electronic sound.
The chronological scope extends from late antiquity to die early renaissance, and beyond that to the present day in die case of chant.
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The strategy actually preferred depends on the participants” attitudes toward the prospects of a fresh start and the chances of the old paradigm”s renaissance.
But speeding on the roads and circling in the skies has given the modern man the opportunity to see more than his renaissance predecessor.
However, if outside actors are even partially to blame for the problems, their actions will potentially contribute to, or hinder, the renaissance.
Until a minor renaissance in 1996, organized labor had lost both political influence and ardor for national health insurance.
Given our recent advances in technology, it seems that we stand at the threshold of a great renaissance in the understanding of this relationship.





Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp