the process of removing dangerous or poisonous substances from the environment, or limiting the effect that they have on it:

Bạn đang xem: Remediation là gì

remediation of sth The program supports local responses to chemical-spill emergencies, hazardous-waste disposal, and remediation of industrial sites.
It is hoped that the remediation steps described above will be effective in addressing the company”s problems.
Ideally the ultimate goal of any remediation effort will be to reduce the concentrations of contaminants at the site to those befitting a pristine ecosystem.
There is also a need for universal guidelines for monitoring remediation success specifically in the cold regions.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
Similarly, simple venial mistakes or lapses in professionalism may be distinguished from those egregiously unprofessional behaviors that warrant serious remediation or dismissal.
This finding, which requires replication, suggests that maternal sensitivity to a child”s specific emotional needs is associated with short-term remediation of conduct problems.
In the case of contaminant remediation, there is essentially the opposite situation: large need and far too little research and development.

Xem thêm: Chế Tài Là Gì – Khái Niệm Chế Tài

These findings help narrow the search for targets for cognitive remediation that may have implications for improving community functioning.
Factors governing the effective remediation of negative affect and its cognitive and behavioural consequences.
By contrast two other psychological treatments, social skills training and cognitive remediation, have failed to show evidence of benefit in controlled trials.
This resulted in a program for the monitoring and remediation of hydrocarbon contamination in freezing ground at the former base site.
Here, we describe briefly contemporary procedures for the remediation and prevention of problematic behavior.




Xem thêm: Ifrs Là Gì – Tầm Quan Trọng Của Ifrs Hiện Nay


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