Bạn đang xem: Punctual là gì
Nhấn vào đây để thay đổi cấu hình của camera đã chọn Tính khả dụng của chức năng này và nội dung của hộp thoại cấu hình phụ thuộc vào kiểu camerajw2019 jw2019
Theo như nhật kí của Max…… chúng ta ở đây trong một cái túi khí khổng lồ bao quanh bởi dung nhamOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The city employed light The city employed light guards who had to follow a specific schedule to ensure the punctual lighting of the 700 lanterns.
Therefore, let us strive to cultivate the habit of punctuality in all our activities, especially in those having to do with our worship of the true God.to do with our worship of the true God.
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Effectiveness metrics involve: Price (actually fixed by marketing, but lower bounded by production cost): purchase price, use costs, maintenance costs, upgrade costs, disposal costs Quality: specification and Effectiveness metrics involve: Price (actually fixed by marketing, but lower bounded by production cost): purchase price, use costs, maintenance costs, upgrade costs, disposal costs Quality: specification and compliance Time: productive lead time, information lead time, punctuality Flexibility: mix, volume, gamma Stock availability Ecological Soundness: biological and environmental impacts of the system under study.biological and environmental impacts of the system under study.
“They are comfortable with them in English, which is the attitude of professional “They are comfortable with them in English, which is the attitude of professional work, expressed through very specific things such as punctuality, compliance, scripts of the director, politeness, friendly, have the culture of Hà Anh,” and also stated that “only Hà Anh and Thanh Hằng are worthy of supermodels.”the culture of Hà Anh,” and also stated that “only Hà Anh and Thanh Hằng are worthy of supermodels.”
Make further comment about the need for punctuality at meetings. —See The Watchtower of June 15, 1990, pages 26-9.
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Miss Mundo Chile organization said that Miss Mundo Chile organization said that Fernanda is more than a beautiful face, she also is very punctual, responsible and very kind.
Tác giả
opensubtitles2, FVDP-English-Vietnamese-Dictionary, Common U++ UNL Dictionary, OpenSubtitles2018.v3, jw2019, GlosbeMT_RnD, WikiMatrix.
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punctapunctatepunctiliopunctiliouspunctiliousnesspunctualpunctualitypunctuallypunctuatepunctuationpunctuation markpunctuativepunctumpuncturablepuncture
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