Bạn đang xem: Psychologist là gì


psychologist /sai”kɔlədʤist/ danh từ nhà tâm lý học

Xem thêm: Tháng 1 Là Cung Gì – Sinh Vào Tháng 1 Là Cung Hoàng đạo Gì

Từ điển Collocation
psychologist noun
ADJ. eminent, leading, top | clinical, consultant, professional He is now a consultant psychologist with a major London hospital. | academic, experimental | behavioural, child, developmental, educational, occupational, social, sports More information about DOCTOR
DOCTOR: practitioners be, practise as ~ He practises as a clinical psychologist.
have a dentist, doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist Do you have a family doctor?
need ~ She took good care of her teeth and never needed a dentist.
find ~ What”s the best way to find a therapist?
consult, go to, see, visit ~ I think you ought to see a psychologist.
refer sb to ~ referring patients to a specialist
~ practise doctors who practise from home
~ examine sb/sth, see sb I had an ear, nose and throat specialist examine my sinuses. The doctor will see you now.
~ treat sb/sth He is being treated by the physiotherapist.
~ advise sb/sth The optician has advised that I wear contact lenses.
a dentist, doctor, psychiatrist, specialist prescribes (sb) sth The psychiatrist prescribed anti-depressants.
Từ điển WordNet
Xem thêm: Tài Liệu Học Tiếng Anh: 9 Bộ Giáo Trình Tiếng Anh Là Gì
a scientist trained in psychology
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