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an amount of money that someone has invested in a bank or lent to a person or organization so that they will receive interest on it from the bank, person, or organization:
an amount of money that is lent, borrowed, or invested, apart from any additional money such as interest
Shares of these funds involve investment risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested.
These bonds involve the risk that the issuing company may be unable to pay interest or repay principal.

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The money is secured by the borrower”s home, which is sold after the borrower”s death to pay off the interest and principal.
a person who is directly involved in an arrangement, agreement, etc., rather than someone acting for that person:
Some of the principal roles of taxonomies are to facilitate human understanding, impart structure on an ontology and promote tenable integration.
We used principal-factor analysis (starting with squared multiple correlations as the prior communality estimates) to extract the principal factors from the 17 premenstrual symptoms.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
The numbers atop the bars denote the cumulative percentages of the response variation accounted for by successive principal components.
Presence of females among the principal group in a multiple inhumation causes us to believe that women had a preponderant role within the society.
This formal acknowledgement of informal carers as principal providers of support was seen as a recognition that was somewhat overdue.
The following sections of the paper seek to specify the principal dimensions of reserve among older people and the groups that are most vulnerable.
Firstly, no control agency can allow itself to jeopardize the relationship of trust it enjoys with its political principals.
That the principal object of a site for arable farming or animal husbandry enjoys much attention is simply stating the obvious.
In spite of its historical framework the work is dominated by the fates of its three principal characters.
These are small clusters of buildings that have developed around a short access drive to form enclosures behind the line of the principal street frontage.





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