Mẹ làm mất đơn thuốc rồi, nhưng ông bác sĩ đã đồng ý viết đơn thuốc khác.
Một trong các bài thuốc mà cô chế ra để phá thai là bia nâu nặng độ pha với thuốc lá.
GlosbeMT_RnD Và 10 bản dịch khác. Thông tin chi tiết được ẩn để trông ngắn gọn
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She shared with me her sorrowful journey from complete mental and physical health, a wonderful marriage and family, into mental illness, She shared with me her sorrowful journey from complete mental and physical health, a wonderful marriage and family, into mental illness, debilitating health, and the breakup of her family—all of which started with the abuse of prescription painkillers.

• Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the various types of treatments and different over-the-counter and prescription medications that are available to help you quit smoking .
If palliative If palliative care were a cancer drug, every cancer doctor on the planet would write a prescription for it.

You “ll need to take special precautions with medications because many prescription and over-the-counter medications can negatively affect the fetus .
Anh có một tâm hồn sâu thẳm và nhạy cảm với sự rộng lớn của thế giới con người EVBNews EVBNews
There”s enormous marketing of prescription drugs to people like you and me, which, if you think about it, makes no sense at all, since we can”t buy them. it, makes no sense at all, since we can”t buy them.

The energy and momentum derived within general relativity by Noether”s prescriptions do not make a real tensor for this reason.

Bạn đang xem: Prescription là gì

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Google allows the promotion of online Google allows the promotion of online pharmacies if they”re licensed by DIMDI, and don”t promote prescription drugs in their ads or landing pages.
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The state sales tax in Minnesota is The state sales tax in Minnesota is 6.875 percent, but there is tax-exemption on clothing, prescription drug medications and food items for home consumption.
Illegal products and services: endangered animal products, illegal drugs, prescription drugs diverted to the illegal market.
Sao các anh không cho tôi biết luôn bọn cớm các anh làm gì ở Paris này? support.google support.google

So now at Harlem Hospital Center when patients come in So now at Harlem Hospital Center when patients come in with an elevated body mass index, the electronic medical record automatically generates a prescription for Health Leads.

We started with the prescription pad — a very ordinary piece of paper — and we asked, not what do patients need to get healthy — antibiotics, an inhaler, medication — but what do patients need to be healthy, to not get sick in the first place? not what do patients need to get healthy — antibiotics, an inhaler, medication — but what do patients need to be healthy, to not get sick in the first place?

Ledger died on January 22, 2008, some months after the completed filming and six months before Ledger died on January 22, 2008, some months after the completed filming and six months before the film”s release from a toxic combination of prescription drugs, leading to intense attention from the press and movie-going public.
Có lẽ trước khi từ chối, em sẽ muốn chờ cho đến khi nghe tôi ngỏ lời WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her doctor gave her a prescription for tranquilizers but told her that what she really needed was a divorce.

Tìm 201 câu trong 8 mili giây. Các câu đến từ nhiều nguồn và chưa được kiểm tra.

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FVDP-English-Vietnamese-Dictionary, ssa.gov, omegawiki, FVDP Vietnamese-English Dictionary, EVBNews, LDS, OpenSubtitles2018.v3, jw2019, ted2019, QED, support.google, GlosbeMT_RnD, WikiMatrix.
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