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(Định nghĩa của neoplastic từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa Cambridge dành cho Người học Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press)
Các ví dụ của neoplastic
The induction of premature cellular senescence of neoplastic cells (reverse exit route) may therefore be a strategy for anti-cancer therapeutics.
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Neoplastic and malignant lesions involving or arising in a radial scar: a clinicopathologic analysis of 17 cases.
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Multiple myeloma is characterized by the neoplastic proliferation of a single clone of plasma cells engaged in the production of a monclonal protein.
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If this ” switch ” mechanism is prevented from operating, excessive mitoses may, in certain genotypes, result in a neoplastic change.
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In that case, neoplastic progression towards systemic disease was deemed present when computed tomography demonstrated metastatic tumour in the elbow region.
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The coverage rates observed during the 1990s comprised mainly haematological patients (both neoplastic and nonneoplastic).
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Angiogenesis and the vascular density of tumours have been shown to be associated with tumour metastasis, the most dreadful part of neoplastic growth.
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These leukaemic cell lines are inherently resistant to differentiation by virtue of their neoplastic transformation.
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Performance status and comorbidity in elderly cancer patients compared with young patients with neoplasia and elderly patients without neoplastic conditions.
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He found that neoplastic cells were preserved at least as well as the normal ones.
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Physicians admitted 57% of the patients to the hospital with a degenerative disease, 21% with an inflammatory disease, and 16% with a neoplastic disease.
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The primary vasculitis syndromes represent a heterogeneous group of disorders in which vasculitis occurs in the absence of any underlying infectious, neoplastic or autoimmune disease.
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The loss of the regulation conferred by the stem cell niche may lead in turn to inappropriate signaling that results in neoplastic processes.
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It has been appreciated for some time that in response to neoplastic conversion in the adjacent epithelium, fibroblasts undergo changes that promote tumour progression.
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Neoplastic lesions were detected additionally only because of fluorescence signal but not under white light.
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Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp