the empty space to the side of the text on a page, sometimes separated from the rest of the page by a vertical line:

Bạn đang xem: Margins là gì

If someone is on the margins of a group of people, they are part of that group, but different in important ways, and if someone is on the margins of an activity, they are only slightly involved:
something that makes a particular thing possible, such as an extra amount of money, time, etc. allowed that makes it possible to deal with an emergency:
A margin of error is the degree to which a calculation can be wrong without changing how accurate the final result is:
a 40-vote/5-point/2-to-1, etc. margin On the New York Stock Exchange, declines outpaced gainers by a 4-3 margin.
the difference between the amount of a loan and the value of the collateral (= property to be given to the lender if the money is not paid back):
money, shares, etc. that a client gives to a broker to hold, that protect the broker from loss on a contract
The promotion of civic thought in this context might prove to be consistent with the claim that such ideas flourished in the political margins.
She stresses how much she wants to reject the thinking behind terms such as ” winners and losers, centers and margins, progress and regress ” (p. 5).
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Xem thêm: Redundancy Là Gì – Nghĩa Của Từ Redundancy

Lithospheric buoyancy and collisional orogenesis: subduction of oceanic plateaus, continental margins, island arcs, spreading ridges, and seamounts.
Additional notes in the margins of the plan show other possible orderings of the materials or insertions into the main body of the piece.
Based on the unfinished margins of some of the irregular beads, these were made from the whorl of marine shells.
Substitutions often involve grotesque imagery of bodily disintegration, and they focus on strange margins close to humans” positions.
In this context, there are several arguments in favour of transcending locality, or stretching the margins of the geographical nexus between land and locality.




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