The report suggests that there has only been a marginal improvement in women”s pay over the past few years.

Bạn đang xem: Marginal là gì

A marginal political area or position in parliament can be won by only a small number of votes because support for the main parties is equally divided among the people voting:
a marginal improvement/increase/decrease The report suggests that there has only been a marginal improvement in women”s pay over the past few years.
For years, these marginal operators have only just managed to keep going and banks will not look at them favorably.

Xem thêm: Judge Là Gì

a marginal seat (= area with one political representative) is one in which a politician has won by a small number of votes, so it is fairly likely to be won by another party when there is an election:
However, one does not want to see this legislation tip the scales against the interests of the in-betweens, or marginals.
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Are we not in reality overproducing oil from the big fields when, a long time ago, a programme to accelerate and develop the marginals should have taken place?
The sign of this correction factor is ambiguous and depends on the sign of the marginal risk effect of the input at hand.
An added twist in the model is a productivity shock, which changes the value of marginal product of water for farms.
In textbook analyses, utility can be scaled such that the marginal utility of a consumption good is equal to the market price.
Thus, marginal cost pricing preserves efficiency in the irrigation sector but by drawing on public funds may contribute to inefficiency in other sectors.
Parking, punctuality, and quality are dummy variables, so the reported elasticities and marginal effects are only approximations.
A more extensive analysis would have to be conducted to get better estimates of the marginal cost of each activity.
A much better alternative seems to be to raise (marginal, and to some degree average) water prices, and instead limit rationing.
The optimal stringency of a policy instrument depends on the marginal welfare effects rather than the total welfare effects.





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