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a set of newspapers or magazines published at the same time or a single copy of a newspaper or magazine:
An issue of shares is a time when a company gives people the chance to buy part of it or gives extra shares to people who already own some.
The school issued a statement about its plans to the press./The school issued the press with a statement about its plans.
I like my hair this way – I don’t see why you have to make an issue of it (= cause it to be a problem).
a group or series, or one of a group or series, of things that are supplied, made available, or printed at the same time:
at/on issue While the shares dipped below the price at issue, some buying support lifted the stock back into positive territory.

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Since it is the largest issue and the market is witnessing poor performance, investors might not get value.
a group or series, or one of a group or series, of things that are made available, published, or printed at the same time:
an issue of a journal/magazine/newspaper The latest issue of the journal features interviews with twelve great business leaders.
address/tackle/resolve an issue The service offers confidential help to filers who cannot resolve an issue through normal channels.
issue a report/statement/warning A competitor issued a statement calling its bid superior to the one that had been accepted.

Xem thêm: Sponsor Là Gì – Nghĩa Của Từ Sponsor

issue a warrant/writ The judge issued a writ of possession, an order that allowed the bank to take possession of the collateral.
A key issue in the book is an analysis of the experience with the application of economic instruments, such as charges and tradable discharge permits.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
In the above conversation, the nurse followed up her responsibilities agreed at the discharge planning meeting regarding discussing discharge issues with the patient.
Perhaps also surprisingly, the number of refereed papers on food quality and human health issues were similar for both conventional and organic research.
Further investigation is required, because the issues are too important for simply assuming that persistence and intractability necessarily imply an organic genesis.





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