Bạn đang xem: Involved là gì
involved /in”vɔlvd/ tính từ rắc rối, phức tạp bị mắc míu, bị liên luỵ, bọ dính líu, bị dính dáng để hết tâm trí vào, bị thu hút vào (công việc gì…)
phức tạprắc rốiinvolved rockđá ấn nhậpinvolved rockđá bị bao
Word families (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs): involvement, involve, involved, uninvolved
Xem thêm: Phân Biệt Another, Other, Others Là Gì, Nghĩa Của Từ Other
Từ điển Collocation
involved adj.
1 taking part in sth
VERBS be | become, get
ADV. closely, deeply, heavily, intimately, very She became heavily involved in politics. | actively He wanted to be actively involved in school life. | directly Drugs were not directly involved in her death. | personally
PREP. in He was involved in a road accident. | with She first became involved with the organization in 1998.
2 emotionally connected with sb
VERBS be | become, get
ADV. deeply, heavily, very | personally | emotionally, romantically, sexually
PREP. with I never wanted to get emotionally involved with him.
3 complicated
VERBS be, look, seem, sound | become, get
ADV. extremely, terribly, very It all sounds terribly involved and complicated. | rather
Từ điển WordNet
connected by participation or association or use
we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved
the problems involved
the involved muscles
I don”t want to get involved
everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified
emotionally involvedenveloped
a castle involved in mist
the difficulties in which the question is involved
engage as a participant
Don”t involve me in your family affairs!
contain as a part
Dinner at Joe”s always involves at least six courses
The tower was involved in mist
occupy or engage the interest of
His story completely involved me during the entire afternoon
make complex or intricate or complicated
The situation was rather involved
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English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary
syn.: Byzantine convoluted knotty mired tangled tortuousinvolves|involved|involvingsyn.: absorb affect complicate concern confound confuse encompass engross entail envelop implicate include occupy tangle
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