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Investment (Econ) Đầu tư.

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investment (toán kinh tế) vốn đầu tư; sự hùn (vốn)
đầu tưautonomous investment: đầu tư tự sinhbasic investment: đầu tư cơ bảnboard of investment: ban đầu tưbuilding investment: vốn đầu tư xây dựngcapital investment: vốn đầu tư cơ bảncapital investment: sự đầu tư vốncapital investment: đầu tư tư bảncapital investment program: chương trình đầu tư cơ bảnforeign investment: đầu tư nước ngoàihighway investment funds: quỹ đầu tư về đường bộinduced investment: đầu tư cảm ứnginitial investment: sự đầu tư ban đầuinitial investment: vốn đầu tư ban đầuinitial investment cost: vốn đầu tư ban đầuinvestment cost: kinh phí đầu tưinvestment cost: giá đầu tưinvestment cost: vốn đầu tưinvestment decision: quyết định đầu tưinvestment fund: quỹ đầu tưinvestment funds: các quỹ đầu tưinvestment funds: vốn đầu tư cơ bảninvestment funds: tín dụng đầu tưinvestment in capital construction: đầu tư xây dựng cơ bảninvestment of funds: tiền đầu tư vào quỹinvestment permit: giấy phép đầu tưinvestment pole: chính sách đầu tư vốninvestment process: quá trình đầu tưinvestment program: chương trình đầu tưinvestment project: dự án đầu tưinvestment rate: tỷ suất đầu tưover investment: đầu tư quá nhiềuoverhead investment: vốn đầu tư chungoversea investment: đầu tư hải ngoạioversea investment: đầu tư nước ngoàiphasing of investment: phân kỳ đầu tưproject investment: vốn đầu tư dự ánreplacement investment: đầu tư thay thếreturn on investment: lãi trên vốn đầu tưreturn on investment: lợi nhuận trên vốn đầu tưstate investment: sự Nhà nước đầu tưstructure of capital investment: cơ cấu vốn đầu tưtie investment: đầu tư có điều kiệnuntied investment: đầu tư vô điều kiệnsự đầu tưcapital investment: sự đầu tư vốninitial investment: sự đầu tư ban đầuvốn đầu tưbuilding investment: vốn đầu tư xây dựngcapital investment: vốn đầu tư cơ bảninitial investment: vốn đầu tư ban đầuinitial investment cost: vốn đầu tư ban đầuinvestment funds: vốn đầu tư cơ bảnoverhead investment: vốn đầu tư chungproject investment: vốn đầu tư dự ánreturn on investment: lãi trên vốn đầu tưreturn on investment: lợi nhuận trên vốn đầu tưstructure of capital investment: cơ cấu vốn đầu tưcapital investmenttăng vốninlay investment ringống bao đúc inlâyinvestment castingsự đúc bằng mẫu chảyinvestment castingsự đúc chính xácinvestment in kindsự góp vốn bằng hiện vậtinvestment in kindsự hùn vốn bằng hiện vật o sự đầu tư; vốn đầu tư § investment in kind : sự hùn vốn bằng hiện vật, sự góp vốn bằng hiện vật § basic investment : đầu tư cơ bản § over investment : đầu tư quá nhiều § tied investment : đầu tư có điều kiện § untied investment : đầu tư vô điều kiện § investment tax credit : tín dụng thuế đầu tư Khoản khấu trừ vào thu nhập căn cứ trên tỷ lệ phần trăm của đầu tư theo các luật về thuế.

Xem thêm: Lazmall Là Gì – Có Nên Mua Hàng Trên Lazmall Không





Từ điển Collocation

investment noun

ADJ. good, excellent, profitable, sound, successful, wise, worthwhile | bad, poor, unwise He lost a lot of money through poor investments. | high-risk, risky, speculative | safe | considerable, enormous, great, heavy, high, huge, large, large-scale, major, massive, significant, sizeable, substantial The president has called for massive investment to rebuild the country”s economy. | low, modest, small | inadequate The country”s infrastructure is crumbling because of inadequate investment. | maximum, minimum | additional, extra, further | gross,| overall | new | necessary | strategic | direct | domestic, local | cross-border, foreign, international, inward, offshore, outside, overseas | long-term, short-term | initial, original an initial investment of $5 million | capital, financial | business, industrial, infrastructural, manufacturing | government, public, public-sector, state | corporate, insitutional | private, private-sector private investment in the health service | personal I had made a personal investment in time and energy. | emotional parents” emotional investment in their children

QUANT. level, rate

VERB + INVESTMENT make | attract, encourage, promote, stimulate a business plan to encourage new investment | increase | cut | recoup It took two years before I recouped my investment. | realize She felt the time was right to realize her investment, and sold all her shares. | spread When buying shares, it”s wise to spread your investment over several companies. | protect

INVESTMENT + VERB increase, rise | fall

INVESTMENT + NOUN funds | levels, rates inadequate investment levels | scheme | decision | company, trust

PREP. as an ~ I don”t really like modern art but I bought it as an investment. | ~ from investment from American pension funds | ~ in investment in local industry

PHRASES a loss on an investment losses made on investments in stocks and bonds | a profit/return on an investment I”m hoping for a good return on my investment. > Special page at BUSINESS

Từ điển WordNet

Bloomberg Financial Glossary

投资|投资项目投資;投資項目The creation of more money through the use of capital.

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Investopedia Financial Terms

Anasset or item that is purchased with the hope that it willgenerate income or appreciate in the future. In an economicsense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth. In finance,an investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or appreciate and be sold at a higher price.
Thebuilding of a factory used to produce goodsandthe investment one makes by going to college or university are both examples of investments in the economic sense. In the financial sense investments include the purchase of bonds, stocks or real estate property. Be sure not to get “making an investment” and “speculating” confused. Investing usually involves the creation of wealth whereas speculating is often azero-sum game; wealth is not created. Although speculators are often making informeddecisions, speculation cannot usually be categorized as traditional investing.
AppreciationAssetBondFree Cash Flow For The Firm – FCFFInvestingInvestment ClubReal EstateSpeculationStockZero-Sum Game

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