Bạn đang xem: Improvise là gì

To make something up or invent it as one goes on; to proceed by guess rather than by a careful plan. To invent or create something quickly or without a plan; to wing it.
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The instrumental pieces on this The instrumental pieces on this album have strong jazz fusion and European free- improvisation influences, and portions also have an almost heavy metal feel.

Later developments of organum occurred in England, where the interval of the third Later developments of organum occurred in England, where the interval of the third was particularly favoured, and where organa were likely improvised against an existing chant melody, and at Notre Dame in Paris, which was to be the centre of musical creative activity throughout the thirteenth century. Dame in Paris, which was to be the centre of musical creative activity throughout the thirteenth century.
Khi chị nhìn em, Joan.Chị nhớ đến một cô bé luôn tin tưởng vào phép màu WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If you are a rule-bender and an improviser mostly to serve yourself, what you get is ruthless manipulation of other people. manipulation of other people.

But the thing is, you have to remember, there really are still people within this algorithmically optimized system, people who are kind of increasingly forced to act out these But the thing is, you have to remember, there really are still people within this algorithmically optimized system, people who are kind of increasingly forced to act out these increasingly bizarre combinations of words, like a desperate improvisation artist responding to the combined screams of a million toddlers at once.

He used an improvised , quasi-Greek adjectival version of the name, “Colombeia”, to mean papers and things “relating to Colombia”, as the title of his archive of his revolutionary activities. to Colombia”, as the title of his archive of his revolutionary activities.

And most important, a wise person does this improvising and rule- bending in the service of the right aims.
Cách đây khoảng # tháng, tôi đã được nghe rằng người Hà Lan đã làm một chiếc kính có thể quan sát được các vật thể từ một khoảng cách rất xa đến mắt người quan sát, và cứ như nó ở ngay bên cạnh ted2019 ted2019
He attended I.M. Terrell High He attended I.M. Terrell High School, where he participated in band until he was dismissed for improvising during “The Washington Post” march.

He and his friend were on He and his friend were on their way to rescue me from the cyclops when they bumped into us, so he improvised .
Nhạc gì… muốn nhảy cũng không được…… trừ khi mình xỉn quắc cần câu OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Although he lacked Aeschines”s charming voice and Demades”s skill at improvisation , he made efficient use of his body to accentuate his words.

They have served alongside Army, Marine, Air Force, Coast Guard and service personnel from other countries, performing such missions as countering deadly improvised explosive devices, constructing military bases, escorting ground convoys, operating hospitals, performing intelligence analysis, guarding prisoners, and doing customs inspections for units returning from deployments.
Trên đỉnh Ngũ Chỉ Sơn,Trong cung điện của Thống lĩnh, đã diễn ra trận chiến giữa những kẻ bất tử. Để chứng minh, một lần và mãi mãi, kẻ nào mới là đệ nhất thiên hạ WikiMatrix WikiMatrix

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Higgins is credited with being among the Higgins is credited with being among the first to report on the widespread use of improvised barrel bombs by the Syrian government, a phenomenon which has spread to other troubled nations such as Iraq to combat insurgencies and opposition forces. which has spread to other troubled nations such as Iraq to combat insurgencies and opposition forces.

And he was impressed at how they would improvise novel solutions to novel problems — problems that they hadn”t anticipated.

Several other features, such as blending into crowds, improvising gadgets, and interaction with the environment, were announced, and according to creative director Maxime Béland would have given the game “a lot of Bourne Identity influence,” but were scrapped after the development team decided that going in this direction would be taking too much of a risk.

The hosts The hosts are supposed to stay within their loops, stick to their scripts with minor improvisations .

Nu jazz is influenced by jazz harmony and melodies, and there are usually no improvisational aspects.
Dù có thừa nhận hay không, thì đột kích của ông cũng đã đánh gục Zebel và buộc ông ấy phải tự tử WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You always have to sort of adapt and improvise to the opportunities and accidents that happen, and the sort of turmoil of the world. the sort of turmoil of the world.

Slapping thighs, shuffling feet and patting hands: this was how they Slapping thighs, shuffling feet and patting hands: this was how they got around the slave owners” ban on drumming, improvising complex rhythms just like ancestors did with drums in Haiti or in the Yoruba communities of West Africa. in Haiti or in the Yoruba communities of West Africa.
When the young women in the other When the young women in the other canoes saw how we moved along the water with ease, they quickly improvised sails of their own.
Và thật ra tôi cần phải dùng # khẩu súng để cô ấy chịu nói ” em yêu anh ” LDS LDS

Ở Prague, tại cung điện của hoàng đế Rudolph II, nhà thiên văn Johannes Kepler đã cải tiến thiết kế của kính thiên văn QED QED
If you”d like to explore the risky paths needed to get out of the cloud, you need other emotions — solidarity, support, hope — that come with If you”d like to explore the risky paths needed to get out of the cloud, you need other emotions — solidarity, support, hope — that come with your connection from somebody else, so like in improvisation theater, in science, it”s best to walk into the unknown together.

Tìm 201 câu trong 5 mili giây. Các câu đến từ nhiều nguồn và chưa được kiểm tra.

Tác giả

FVDP-English-Vietnamese-Dictionary, Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data, FVDP Vietnamese-English Dictionary, LDS, OpenSubtitles2018.v3, jw2019, ted2019, QED, GlosbeMT_RnD, WikiMatrix.
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