We”ve picked out our favourite clothes pieces this season, with how-tos on working them into your wardrobe.

Bạn đang xem: How nghĩa là gì

The developing market of the howto text put lone women gardeners in touch with one another and created a sense of community spanning geographical regions.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge thienmaonline.vn hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
This is unsurprising, as there is considerable overlap between consultants, academics, and the authors of these “howto” management books.
A major part of the book is devoted to the agronomy (all species together), harvesting, post-harvest handling and processing with much “howto” information.
The participants were all department heads or administrators and, instead of papers on substantive scholarly topics, almost all the presentations were practical pieces: “howto” sessions and the like.
Authors of howto books often were modellers who also sold their own materials, and a proprietary practice likely led to silence about the chemical features of their own products.
We have also published a guide to creating local development frameworks, which is a “howto-do-it” guide for local authorities and others involved in preparing the new local development documents.
Burroways published oeuvre includes eight novels, memoirs, short stories, poems, translations, plays, two childrens books, and two howto books about the craft of writing.
It includes essays and patterns relating to stitching handicrafts, including doilies, christening gowns, quilts, embroidery, and a howto section on the basics of crochet.
Content generally includes interviews with comedians and indie rock musicians, tour diaries, cartoons, prank correspondence, and satirical essays, lists, hipster howto guides, and advice columns.
Later, in the early 2000s, she began self-publishing additional howto and reference material on a website dedicated to supporting her readers.

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The reliance on homeopathic remedies continued as trained nurses and doctors and howto manuals slowly reached the homesteaders in the early 20th century.
Ghost hunting also gave rise to multiple guidebooks to haunted locations, and ghost hunting howto manuals.





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