an organ of the body or of a plant that secretes (= produces) liquid chemicals that have various purposes:

Bạn đang xem: Gland là gì

an organ of the body that produces chemicals that influence activities such as growth, and that has an important effect on health:
It is unlikely that she will focus on their mammary glands since they are characteristic only of the females.
Our results offer little support to the view that oral contraceptives may protect against disorders of the sebaceous glands.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
In prostate gland, only the larger splice variant is detected, indicating differential processing of the message in the two tissues.
At present sour, sugar-free sweets are advised to aid the stimulation of the salivary gland in conjunction with at least 8 glasses of water daily.
The aggregates are formed by the release of the adhesive post-acetabular gland secretion which causes the cercariae to stick together.
A firm, well circumscribed nodule with a homogenous pale purple cut surface was found in the right adrenal gland.
Furthermore, the state of maturation of the sporozoites in the tick salivary glands is difficult to estimate by histological examination.

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Upon entering a snail, the parasite migrates to the heart and digestive gland where it transforms into successive stages of sporocysts.
Dissemination may occur to multiple organs including the skin, oesophagus, liver, lungs, adrenal glands, pancreas, bowel, kidneys, bone marrow and joints.
While tumor development is generally solitary, all glands can demonstrate varying numbers of hyperplastic nodules and foci.
A large, irregularly-shaped nucleus containing clumps of condensed chromatin is situated at the end of each gland.
The gland contains glycogen deposits, and rough endoplasmic reticulum distended into cisternae with granular material.




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