a border between two countries, or (esp. in the past in the US) a border between developed land where white people live and land where Indians live or land that is wild:

Bạn đang xem: Frontier là gì

However, this particular frontier has been well mined, and large parts of this book tread well-worn paths.
Technical inefficiency is the deviation of an individual vessel”s production from this best-practice frontier, and hence is a measure of relative technical efficiency.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
Violation of this assumption will also affect the production frontier if the counties that define the frontier do not have sufficient standing timber.
The book provides no glimpse of the presence of any entity other than small farmers in the frontier.
The body had its “defensive forces” (wei qi) to guard its frontiers; those forces were bound to fail, though, when weakened by corruption from within.
The most recent paper demonstrates that the acceleration of electrons can be at the high energy frontier .
The east has a longer history of settlement and is more urbanized than the west, which is somewhat of a frontier zone.
In a society gifted at generalisation, endowed with powerful ^ centralizing strategies, the historian moves in the direction of the frontiers of great regions already exploited.

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This frontier will not result from a few counties which may have abnormally high output for their given input endowments.
Secondly, the frontier method is carried out mainly on the semantic domains of a program; the method pays little attention to the program text itself.
Once land conservation policies meet the agricultural frontier, they have two opposing effects on the economy”s aggregate rents.
That”s exactly why those who are working at the frontier of the subject should know some history of economic thought.
Evidently, the events across the border were reviving dormant resentments throughout the western frontier lands.




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Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp