Many species of plants and animals are in danger of/threatened with extinction (= being destroyed so that they no longer exist) .

Bạn đang xem: Extinction là gì

bereave bite bleed out buy the farm idiom cadaveric casualty corpse croak death throes demise goner lose meet your maker idiom necrophilia peace rigor mortis road kill starving stone-dead strike Xem thêm kết quả »

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(Định nghĩa của extinction từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa dành cho Người học Nâng cao © University Press)

Các ví dụ của extinction

The results in fig. 2 show the relationship between the extinction probability and g for various numbers of surviving flies in the target population.
Từ English Corpus
Selection and drift in subdivided populations : a straightforward method for deriving diffusion approximations and applications involving dominance, selfing and local extinctions.
Từ English Corpus
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Estimating rates of local species extinction, colonization, and turnover in animal communities.
Từ English Corpus  
This is a very skillfully crafted synthesis of our knowledge of evolution and extinction.
Từ English Corpus  
Population extinctions resulting in endemism (sole occurrence in a locality or nation) in the wrong country can be the forerunner of species extinctions.
Từ English Corpus  
Two approaches have been implemented to generate spectral extinction functions for cone pigments.
Từ English Corpus  
Ecosystems are not being maintained, safety factors are ignored, species extinction persists at an unprecedented level, and our very global life-support systems are under threat.
Từ English Corpus  
In our simulations we considered founding events but not extinctions.

Xem thêm: Pohe Là Gì – Thông Tin Về Chương Trình Giáo Dục Đại Học Này

Từ English Corpus  
The resulting atmospheric debris led to climate cooling, a reduction of vegetation, and mass extinction.
Từ English Corpus  
Far from affirming continuity, scripture affirms extinction and recreation.
Từ English Corpus  
The probability of extinction is dependent, in part, on the initial starting densities of hosts and parasites.
Từ English Corpus  
Apparently, species with smaller niches (= specialists) have less chance to survive deforestation and are more prone to local extinction than those with wider niches.
Từ English Corpus  
The molar extinction coefficient of porphyropsin was assumed to be 0.74 that of rhodopsin.
Từ English Corpus  
Climatic warming due to thermal-radiation from an urban area as possible cause for the local extinction of a land snail.
Từ English Corpus  
In the absence of such complicated computations it is up to biologists to assess the credibility of parameter combinations that lead to extinctions.
Từ English Corpus  

Các cụm từ với extinction


Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với extinction .

Bấm vào một cụm từ để xem thêm các ví dụ của cụm từ đó.

brink of extinction
It is a pity that fishing has had to come almost to the brink of extinction to give us that opportunity.
Hansard archive
Ví dụ từ kho lưu trữ Hansard. Chứa thông tin được cấp phép trong Mở Giấy Phép của Quốc Hội v3.0
danger of extinction
In two years, elephants went from imminent danger of extinction to badly in need of contraception (the facts did not change, the reporting did).

Xem thêm: Pc Là Gì – Có Phải Là Máy Tính để Bàn Không

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