Bạn đang xem: Exponential là gì
I think that”s going to become completely possible I think that”s going to become completely possible as the amount of data we”re producing and technology”s ability to understand it both expand exponentially .
The number of nodes to be explored usually increases exponentially with the number of plies (it is less than exponential if evaluating forced moves or repeated positions).
Có lẽ vì ở đây anh ta là người duy nhất tôi có thể…Người duy nhất tôi có thể… Tạo ra một sự khác biệt WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If the request still doesn”t If the request still doesn”t succeed, it will continue to retry—based on an exponential backoff schedule—up to a maximum of several days.
Since Love waves travel on the Since Love waves travel on the Earth”s surface, the strength (or amplitude) of the waves decrease exponentially with the depth of an earthquake.
Và rồi sau đó, anh biết đấy, tôi đột ngột muốn ra ngoài và giết vài Gã da vàng WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They are mostly single stranded DNA sequences isolated from a large pool of random DNA sequences through a combinatorial approach called in thienmaonline.vntro selection or systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX).
And the key idea is that the critical time, And the key idea is that the critical time, the information about the critical time is contained in the early development of this super- exponential growth.
Von Neumann proved that the most effective way of performing large-scale mining operations such as mining Von Neumann proved that the most effective way of performing large-scale mining operations such as mining an entire moon or asteroid belt would be by self-replicating spacecraft, taking advantage of their exponential growth.
I was a little nervous because maybe the data wouldn”t be I was a little nervous because maybe the data wouldn”t be right, but I”ve done this now for 30 years, and it has stayed on this exponential progression.
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So you see that because of the way we perceive quantities, as the war drags on, the number of soldiers committed to it and the casualties will So you see that because of the way we perceive quantities, as the war drags on, the number of soldiers committed to it and the casualties will increase not linearly — like 10,000, 11,000, 12,000 — but exponentially — 10,000, later 20,000, later 40,000.
Hãy nghĩ đến những tác động lên vài trăm nghìn người tị nạn khi họ phải chuyển chỗ vì các hiểm họa môi trường ted2019 ted2019
Tôi đã bắn hắn tại # ngã tư lúc # giờ Lúc đó không có ai, tôi đã bỏ chạy QED QED
Now, we know some of the technological facts that are drithienmaonline.vnng this change in our lifestyle — the uptake and diffusion of mobile dethienmaonline.vnces, the exponential improvement in data storage and data processing, and the remarkable improvement in human biometric sensors.
And second of all, it turns out this algorithm is actually less efficient. When we talk about how to do modular exponentiations — we”re gonna do that in the last segment in this module — you”ll see that the running time to compute this exponentiation is actually cubic in the size of P. So this will take roughly log cube of P, whereas if you remember, Euclid”s algorithm was able to compute the inverse in quadratic time in the representation of P. So not only is this algorithm less general it only works for primes, it”s also less efficient. So score one for Euclid.
We know that the first 10 years of a career has an exponential impact on how much money you”re going to earn.
Within just a few years, Ba Sam became Within just a few years, Ba Sam became one of the most important blogs written from inside thienmaonline.vnetnam, and saw its readership grow exponentially .
Tôi nói rồi đấy, đâu cần phải là thiên tài mới trả lời được hrw.org hrw.org
However, the quantum Fourier transform acts on a quantum state, whereas the classical Fourier transform acts on a vector, However, the quantum Fourier transform acts on a quantum state, whereas the classical Fourier transform acts on a vector, so not every task that uses the classical Fourier transform can take advantage of this exponential speedup.
It made me wonder if there could be a better way — a way to circumvent death and yet deliver the gift of life that might exponentially impact millions of patients worldwide.
Tìm 201 câu trong 5 mili giây. Các câu đến từ nhiều nguồn và chưa được kiểm tra.
Tác giả
FVDP-English-thienmaonline.vnetnamese-Dictionary, thienmaonline.vnResearch, hrw.org, ted2019, QED, support.google, WikiMatrix.
Danh sách truy vấn phổ biến nhất: 1-200, ~1k, ~2k, ~3k, ~4k, ~5k, ~10k, ~20k, ~50k, ~100k, ~200k, ~500k
explosive velocity explosiveness explosives exponent exponent sign exponential Exponential exponential curve exponential distribution exponential factor exponential function exponential integral exponentiation exponentiation by squaring export
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