figurative The government has declared war on (= announced that thaey intended to stop) the drug dealers.

Bạn đang xem: Declaration là gì

The country declared independence in 1952 (= announced that it was no longer under the control of another country).
to officially tell someone the value of goods you have bought, or the amount of money you have earned because you might have to pay tax:

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If a cricket team declares, they stop batting (= hitting the ball) because they think they already have enough runs (= points) to win:
declare (that) The Serious Fraud Office is expected to declare that it will be conducting further investigations.
declare yourself to be sth Silverjet, the transatlantic business airline, has declared itself carbon-neutral.

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declare a ban/moratorium on sth In times of crisis the industry must declare a moratorium on aggressive marketing and sales tactics.
declare bankruptcy If restrictions on air travel are enforced, several of the large airlines may be forced to declare bankruptcy.
declare sb bankrupt Figures released by the bank showed almost 12,000 companies had been declared bankrupt in the third quarter of the year.
to make a written statement to the tax authorities containing information about money you have earned, shares you have bought, etc.:
declare earnings/profits/losses Many eBay traders are unaware that they have to declare their earnings.

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to say publicly that you could gain a personal advantage from a situation and so might not be able to make decisions that are fair and honest:
The Mayor was advised to declare a potential conflict of interest over a road project that could boost his wife”s business.
to tell shareholders that they will receive a dividend (= a share of a company”s profits) and how much it will be:
This tendency was reinforced in 1939 when the government declared the gas supply a state-owned public monopoly.





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