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Bạn đang xem: Cozy là gì

Sometimes he would put a tea cozy on his head as an indication to his family that he was not to be disturbed.
The narrator”s relationship with his servant is an ideal homosocial bond untainted by the presence of women: both are unmarried and their quasi-feudal mutual fidelity supports a cozy domestic arrangement.
Enraged both by the fact that his wife had not gone to work and by the suspiciously cozy scene he discovered, he proceeded to attack the lovers.
The warm spirit that emanates from this loving tribute should be more than enough to keep you cozy through the cold months ahead.
The home store maintained a warm and cozy theme by presenting beds with thick blankets and floors covered with wool rugs.
One reporter found the interior to be cozy, with conversational dancers who seemingly enjoyed interacting with guests.
The stadium, which underwent two phases of renovation, is perfect for an exciting athletic atmosphere inside its cozy confines.
Sixteen cozy cells dug into the ground, with iron bars on top comprised the original prison at a cost of $32,000.
ortografía americana de “cosy”: acogedor, caliente , acogedor/ora …

Xem thêm: Sinh Năm 1958 Cung Gì – Tử Vi Tuổi Mậu Tuất (1958) Nam, Nữ





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