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The government has announced a comprehensive reform program designed to address these problems and resolve the bad debts in the system. debts in the system.

On 22 February 2016, Naha, the capital of Okinawa Prefecture, announced it would begin issuing partnership certificates to same-sex couples on 8 July 2016, making it the first core city in Japan to recognize same-sex couples. couples on 8 July 2016, making it the first core city in Japan to recognize same-sex couples.

Hộp lựa chọn này chỉ định mã hoá ký tự nào dùng cho đầu vào văn bản WikiMatrix WikiMatrix

In 2012, Google announced that they had a deep learning algorithm watch YouTube videos and crunched the data on 16,000 computers for a month, and the computer independently learned about concepts such as people and cats just by watching the videos. data on 16,000 computers for a month, and the computer independently learned about concepts such as people and cats just by watching the videos.

The International Sailing Federation announced in May 2012 that windsurfing would be replaced at the 2016 Olympics by kitesurfing, but this decision was reversed in November. by kitesurfing, but this decision was reversed in November.

On 8 September 2015 Sam Smith announced that he was singing the song for the James Bond film Spectre.
Khi tôi gọi cho người liên lạc của tôi ở Sài Gòn, anh ta nói người Việt Nam… vừa mới tìm thấy người của ta mới # giờ trước WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In addition to the 3 announced temples, there are 144 temples in operation, 5 being renovated, 13 under construction, and 13 previously announced in various states of preparation before construction begins.

Này nhé, chúng ta biết chắc là Mirko đã giấu cái GPS trước khi bị bắt hồi # năm trước jw2019 jw2019
In 2015 it was announced that a new OEM distribution of OS/2 would be released that was to be called ArcaOS. to be called ArcaOS.

For its second year, the league announced an expansion to 14 teams, with Edinburgh University and BSC Glasgow joining.

Xem thêm: Deputy Director Là Gì – định Nghĩa, Ví Dụ, Giải Thích

On 24 November, the government announced it planned to construct a stupa as a memorial to those killed in the incident. killed in the incident.

On May 4, Aika Mitsui announced that she would leave Morning Musume, due to an unhealed stress fracture in her left foot. fracture in her left foot.
Nhưng tôi cũng không phải kẻ thù của anh.Kẻ thù ở ngoài kia. Và chúng rất mạnh WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Approximately 25 minutes after the search and rescue team took off, NASA announced they were in contact with Ovchinin and Hague.
Họ chữa lành chân cho anh ta. nên họ có thể đi quanh và nổi giận, đúng không? WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But the announcement from Brussels failed to lift the markets , which are still hoping for more intervention by the European Central Bank ( ECB ) , and European stocks traded slightly down on Friday . intervention by the European Central Bank ( ECB ) , and European stocks traded slightly down on Friday .

There are many such examples: a There are many such examples: a sign alerting you to high voltage; a radio announcement of a storm roaring down on your area; a piercing mechanical noise from your car as you are driving on a crowded road. a piercing mechanical noise from your car as you are driving on a crowded road.

Despite being heavily linked to Atlético Madrid, Puel announced that Ospina would depart the club to join English side Arsenal.
Bởi vị một khi cô đi qua cánh cửa đó,Chúng sẽ tặng cô một viên đạn vào đầu WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 4 August 2016, Mohammedan SC, who will begin their campaign in the ongoing 2016/17 Calcutta Premier Division On 4 August 2016, Mohammedan SC, who will begin their campaign in the ongoing 2016/17 Calcutta Premier Division – A against Army XI on Sunday, have announced the signing of Usman from United Sports Club in a press conference held at Club Tent. in a press conference held at Club Tent.
The studio then announced in July 1954 that production would start in March 1955 with 42 speaking parts and 97 sets. parts and 97 sets.

Tìm 226 câu trong 6 mili giây. Các câu đến từ nhiều nguồn và chưa được kiểm tra.

Tác giả

Wiktionary-tieng-Viet, FVDP-English-Vietnamese-Dictionary, Guest, World Loanword Database (WOLD), FVDP Vietnamese-English Dictionary, EVBNews, LDS,, jw2019, ted2019, QED, GlosbeMT_RnD, WikiMatrix.
Danh sách truy vấn phổ biến nhất: 1-200, ~1k, ~2k, ~3k, ~4k, ~5k, ~10k, ~20k, ~50k, ~100k, ~200k, ~500k

annonaceae Annonaceae annotate annotation annotator announce announce a death announce a victory announcement announcer annoy annoyance annoyed annoying annoyingly insistent

Xem thêm: Cơ Sở Hạ Tầng Là Gì

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