in a way that shows a lot of determination and a willingness to take a big risk in order to achieve something:
Rather than take the safer path and keep his day job, Merkley went all in and quit his executive post.

Bạn đang xem: All in là gì

I calculated that as long as a new fridge cost less than $360 all in, it would have paid for itself in the first year.
an all-in package/price The all-in price includes a pre-theater cocktail and the best available seats at your chosen show.

Xem thêm: Dân Chủ Là Gì – Khái Niệm Về Dân Chủ

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
Given the nature of the investigation, only those who had children and did not co-reside with a child were included – allin-all 493 respondents.
To guarantee that no singularities exist between the planned nodes, c6 -heuristic is introduced in the multiple-heuristics search, to keep the allin-one-step approach of our planning algorithm.
Over time, in the course of the (late) twentieth century however, these various boards have been increasingly merged into “allin-one waterboards”, performing the different functions under the same organizational umbrella.
Allowing for this and all other possible contingencies, the allin cost should be well under £4 per ton.
Those who have seen its advertisements on television of the allin holiday will know that it is very effective and well done.
What we are trying to do is to move into an allin graded system, with a single social security contribution.
There was only one railway director, and the five managers looked after the allin work of transport during the war.
The only real, stable foundation for disarmament is the exception by the great nations of allin arbitration.





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