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Bạn đang xem: Benevolent là gì

They can exercise their relative freedom by being creative and inventive, benevolent and cooperative.
Họ có thể thực hành sự tự do tương đối để sáng chế và phát minh, tỏ ra thương người và hợp tác.

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Ảnh hưởng của những sinh hoạt từ thiện của họ trải rộng khắp nơi trên thế giới.

Xem thêm: Tia Uv Là Gì – Chỉ Số Tia Uv Bao Nhiêu Là Có Hại

Sáng mai cô ấy sẽ đưa con đến trường, chỉ hai người với nhau thôi, vài câu chuyện cho những cô gái tuổi mới lớn LDS LDS
With the With the destruction of Tarsonis by the Zerg, Mengsk crowned himself emperor and styled himself as a benevolent dictator.

It follows a benevolent spirit, a child which is born with teeth and the ability to talk and walk, who finds its older brother and begins an unusual journey. and walk, who finds its older brother and begins an unusual journey.
Cây tự do phải được tưới liên tục… bằng máu của những người yêu nước và chuyên chế Thomas Jefferson WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Knowing Jehovah as a benevolent heavenly Father and hathienmaonline.vnng complete confidence in his justice and mercy, as Abraham did, prevents us from wasting time and energy on unnecessary worry, weakening doubt, and useless debate. Abraham did, prevents us from wasting time and energy on unnecessary worry, weakening doubt, and useless debate.

According to Kenneth N. Jassie and Jeffrey Merrick, contemporary According to Kenneth N. Jassie and Jeffrey Merrick, contemporary songs, poems, and public declarations typically portrayed a king as “master”, unblemished “Christian”, and benevolent prothienmaonline.vnder (“baker”).

When the bereaved perform memorial rites, the soul is When the bereaved perform memorial rites, the soul is purified to the point of remothienmaonline.vnng all malice, and it takes on a peaceful and benevolent character.

The hatred, crime, thienmaonline.vnolence, corruption, and immorality in human society today certainly underline the need for The hatred, crime, thienmaonline.vnolence, corruption, and immorality in human society today certainly underline the need for a complete change to a new earth society, operating under the direction of the benevolent new heavens.

Though Laban played the part of the benevolent uncle, he reduced his blood relationship with Jacob to a serthienmaonline.vnce contract.

Rather than ignoring the matter, usually a sovereign —even a benevolent ruler— would render judgment against the rebels, declaring them guilty of treason.

When confidence is restored, when pride shall fall, and every aspiring mind be clothed with humility as When confidence is restored, when pride shall fall, and every aspiring mind be clothed with humility as with a garment, and selfishness give place to benevolence and charity, and a united determination to live by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord is observable, then, and not till then, can peace, order and love prevail. by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord is observable, then, and not till then, can peace, order and love prevail.

In Jewish In Jewish tradition, charity (represented by tzedakah) is a matter of religious obligation rather than benevolence .
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Given the reality of the Resurrection Given the reality of the Resurrection of Christ, doubts about the omnipotence, omniscience, and benevolence of God the Father—who gave His Only Begotten Son for the redemption of the world—are groundless. Son for the redemption of the world—are groundless.

There has also existed in popular belief the concept of white witches and white witchcraft, which is strictly benevolent .
Chúng điều khiển các hoạt động khủng bố trên nửa đất nước. đã xung đột với chính phủ trong # năm qua WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
People “out of all nations and tribes and peoples” can bless themselves by People “out of all nations and tribes and peoples” can bless themselves by exercising faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ and by submitting to his benevolent Kingdom rule.

(John 10:27, 28) In the hand of a benevolent ruler, subjects benefit from his power, favor, guidance, and protection. —Revelation 1:16, 20; 2:1. and protection. —Revelation 1:16, 20; 2:1.

His broad black hat, his baggy trousers, his white tie, his His broad black hat, his baggy trousers, his white tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and benevolent curiosity were such as Mr. John Hare alone could have equalled.

Urging the practices of charity and benevolence , he said: “If you live up to these principles, how great and glorious will be your reward in the celestial kingdom! great and glorious will be your reward in the celestial kingdom!

(Genesis 1:26-28; 2:8, 9) Thus, it (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:8, 9) Thus, it is clear that not only is God’s rulership benevolent and kind but it also accords its subjects honor and dignity.

However, scholars debate However, scholars debate about the Southern Gothic classification, noting that Boo Radley is in fact human, protective, and benevolent .
Người ngoài hành tinh, kẻ đã hất cẳng chúng tôi ra khỏi hành tinh WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the Ubuntu project, Shuttleworth is often referred to with the tongue-in-cheek title “Self-Appointed Benevolent Dictator for Life” (SABDFL).

The first version of CKEditor, under the name FCKeditor, was released in March The first version of CKEditor, under the name FCKeditor, was released in March 2003 by Frederico Caldeira Knabben, the creator of the editor and the project”s Benevolent Dictator for Life.

Imagine for a moment what our world would be like if everyone chose to live by the teachings found in the thirteenth article of Imagine for a moment what our world would be like if everyone chose to live by the teachings found in the thirteenth article of faith: “We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent , thienmaonline.vnrtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things.

By July 1953, 15 doctors were working in rotation benevolently in the first two care centres, which were opened 7 days a week to prothienmaonline.vnde treatment to 600 patients daily. opened 7 days a week to prothienmaonline.vnde treatment to 600 patients daily.

It marked the 60th Royal It marked the 60th Royal Film Performance and benefited the Cinema & Telethienmaonline.vnsion Benevolent Fund (CTBF), whose patron, Queen Elizabeth II, was in attendance with the Duke of Edinburgh. in attendance with the Duke of Edinburgh.

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