Had the commissioners exercised their powers it is likely that the subsidy yield could have been sustained.
In fact, even as the commissioners were advising caution, the state”s lawmakers appeared to be more concerned about the public”s ongoing demands for additional banks.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
At around eleven o”clock the delegations of voting ejido commissioners were allowed into the large auditorium where they were able to register to vote.
Membership was confined to the regional commissioner, rural development officer, zonal rural development officer, regional technical officers and the administrative secretary.
After some initial success the drainage commissioners found themselves immersed in legal wranglings with landowners and maintenance of the drainage system largely fell into abeyance.
It is intended to help health visitors, their managers and service commissioners to explain and understand the different requirements and expectations in each approach.
The inability of commissioners to raise money to sewer impoverished areas was not just a hypothetical issue.
These men – assistant commissioners, undersecretaries, inspectors – were the by-product of the fledgling but growing state bureaucracy.
And wherever railroad commissioners had been appointed, they concluded that setting rates was too complex a task for government.
Some commissioners were armed with a list of six questions, the third of which asked if the communion table was placed altarwise.
Fourth, the commissioner represents the primary location of power and influence within the police institution.


Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với commissioner.

Bạn đang xem: Commissioner là gì

So even the assistant commissioner who has some link with after-care is not mentioned in that capacity.

Xem thêm: Serendipity Là Gì – Serendipity Trong Tiếng Tiếng Việt

A county commissioner, on hearing the broadcast, would have gone straightaway to the towns where he knew this work was done.

Xem thêm: Montessori Là Gì – Hiểu đúng Về Phương Pháp Montessori

A deputy commissioner would have the same status as a deputy judge and the same conditions of appointment would apply.





Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp