a percentage gain/growth/increase Official retail figures for the month of July show the largest percentage increase in retail sales since the beginning of the year.

Bạn đang xem: Percent là gì

Percentages of responses consistent with the ending bias were also noted for biased nonwords, and percentages of feminine responses were noted for unbiased nonwords.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên thienmaonline.vn thienmaonline.vn hoặc của thienmaonline.vn University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
Consider first the percentages of boys characterized by exhibiting each kind of problem at the two ages.
The evidence for the nineteenth century presents a contrasting picture: increasing levels of attendance and membership, which however, represented declining percentages of each city”s population.
After four days of incubation, higher germination percentages were achieved with significantly lower numbers of hard seeds compared to most of the treatments.
The germination percentages for all samples subjected to this treatment reached the maximum (mean 96%), and there were no hard seeds after 10 days incubation.
Her percentages cannot be compared with the percentages presented in our article since we were not interested in clitics in general.
In addition, percentages of grammatical utterances were calculated as a general index of language development.

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Figures expressed as percentages were arcsine transformed, while puncture numbers on seeds were log transformed before analysis.
Mean numbers and percentages followed by the same letter did not differ significantly by t-test and 2 test, respectively.
Each of these percentages was based on a maximum of 50 possible correct repetitions (5 content words x 10 sentences).
Data for days 5-6 were estimated using the percentages from days 1-4 so as to keep overall efficiency estimates comparable.




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