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Bạn đang xem: Harassment là gì




harassment /”hærəsmənt/ danh từ sự quấy rầy, sự phiền nhiễu; sự lo lắng ưu phiền sự quấy rối (quân địch)


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Từ điển Collocation

harassment noun

ADJ. racial, sexual | police | constant, continual

VERB + HARASSMENT be subject to, be subjected to, suffer She had been subjected to continual sexual harassment.

PREP. ~ by They are complaining about harassment by the police

PHRASES a victim of harassment More information about CRIMES
CRIMES: be guilty of, commit ~
Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.

accuse sb of, charge sb with ~ He has been accused of her murder.

convict sb of, find sb guilty of ~ She was found guilty of high treason.

acquit sb of ~ The engineer responsible for the collapse of the bridge was acquitted of manslaughter.

admit, confess to, deny ~ All three men have denied assault. She admitted 33 assault charges.

plead guilty/not guilty to ~ He pleaded guilty to a charge of gross indecency.

investigate (sb for) ~ She is being investigated for suspected bribery.

be suspected for/of ~ He was the least likely to be suspected of her murder.

be/come under investigation for ~ She was the second minister to come under investigation for corruption.

be wanted for ~ be wanted on charges of ~ He was wanted on charges of espionage.

solve a case, crime, murder, robbery, theft The police and the public must work together to solve the murder.

Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp