There was a code you entered into Contra for NES to get 30 extra lives. You entered it with the controller. What was it?
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The Konami code:
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start
or for 2-player
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Select Start
(technically, the “Start” and “Select, Start” are not part of the code, but are necessary to start the game)
The Konami code.
Technically the code is:
up up down down left right left right b a
and select changed the mode to two players, and then start started the game, but the “ start” is generally referred as part of the code. This code is referred to as “The Konami Code”, “The Contra Code”, or simply “The Code”
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For2 players, and I could be wrong, which I usually am. I remember, up up, down down,left right, left right, b a b a, select, start. But its been a minute for me. :/
Another representation of the code, which is responsible for me knowing it by heart without ever having played Contra: The Gothsicles – Konami Code IV
The actually code was up up down left right left right A B A B select start and you had to to it at the very beginning before the game actually loaded to the screen to ask how many players
I played this game in 86″ The code was Up, up, down, down, left right left right a b b a. You had to enter it really fast at the beginning of the game.
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