The Amazing Spider – Download Spider Man Game Update 02/2025
Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game.
Activision, Neversoft Entertainment, and Treyarch Invention
Dreamcast, GameCube, PC, Playstation 2,
Nintendo 64, GameBoy Color, Playstation, PSX, GBA
Editor Rating:
7.7/10, based on 14 reviews, 15 reviews are shown
User Rating:
7.2/10 – 101 votes
Rate this game:
Meanwhile, back at the office… Plunging straight into questions of authenticity, this is a game that truly answers the calling for genuine comic book thrills. All the elements are there: the corny wise-cracks, the larger than life superheroes, the ruthlessly inefficient villains.Spider-Man, in particular, looks fantastic in his transition into 3D and executes his plethora of moves just as would be expected of him. The supporting cast and characters carry off their own distinctive stylings quite well, bringing more to mind the recent Saturday morning cartoon than anything else.
The levels themselves don”t hold up quite so well, though. While projecting an adequate comic-book feel, they are still a little bland sometimes. Because of the game”s console origins, of course, and we knew from the start that they weren”t going to make major improvements, but it seems” a shame when the PC is capable of a lot more detail. Still, that”s something we”re going to have to live with, so we might as well look at the game itself.
The Supporting Cast
In a genre that doesn”t rely heavily on plot, don”t expect anything too substantial. While the story draws its influences from the comic, it”s basically just an excuse to shove in a handful of differently themed levels leading to a fair few rapidly-skewed plot U-turns along the way. It”s self-contained and plays out more like a “best of” collection than something that carries on the continuity of the comics. No bad thing, of course, and at least they concede to the introduction of something moderately new at the end for fans. With an array of villains throughout the years, they were spoilt for choice when deciding who to include, but most of the more well-known names manage to squeeze themselves in, from Doctor Octopus, Venom and Mysterio, with others like The Green Goblin, Sandman and Kingpin probably being reserved for sequels.
For the truly devoted, there are even a few cameo appearances that integrate the game firmly in the Marvel Universe. The more confusing issues of Spider-Man continuity are explained in brief through the main menu. It isn”t necessary to understand completely what”s happening to enjoy the game, but it helps that they”ve put it in to stop Spider-Man newbies feeling confused over what exactly a symbiote is and why there”s a man-sized lizard in a lab coat lurking in the sewers. As well as heroes like The Punisher and Daredevil appearing in cut-scenes, you can expect to see throwaway references dotted around the levels in the form of billboards and other things. All topped off nicely by the charming voice of ubiquitous doyen, Stan Lee, introducing the game in his inimitable style.
Don”t Make Mine Marvel
And it flows on a downhill gradient from there. Spider-Man”s ability to crawl on any surface may look good but, unfortunately, it”s hard to control the way you”re supposed to move because of the awkward camera. In fact, the whole game is plagued by this problem: it”s too slow in trying to keep up with all the action. Especially during the web-swinging levels, where the ability to break off and swing in a different direction is compounded by your lack of vision. The camera adjusts itself automatically but there”s no way to stop it and control it yourself, and because of this, the frustration factor is raised considerably.
Marks then for the autotargeting feature, which when fighting does something to alleviate this tardy camera problem. Not a lot mind you, but it helps. Likewise, shooting webs -Spider-Man intelligently targets the closest wall without difficulty, but trying to see it yourself is a different matter entirely, if you don”t adjust yourself or enter the ponderous target mode.
Talking about keeping it simple, yep, you guessed it: it”s way too easy.There are four difficulty modes but even the hardest setting doesn”t take long to complete. That isn”t to say it”s not possible to die, because it is, rather it”s the brevity of the levels themselves. There are 34 levels but most feel too short, some even seem like part of a level split by a short cut-scene. You don”t have any lives to speak of, but unlimited continues mean you can soon get past any tricky sections.
What it does have, though, is a welcome attempt at variety. What this means is one level will see you swinging through New York being chased over rooftops by a police chopper, another fighting your way over the top of a train, and a third defeating one of the bosses. While not as mixed as it likes to think it is, it allows you to fully utilise Spider-Man”s powers. The main fighting operates on a sub-Final Fight style level, with a high degree of mindless fist-and-forget non-tactical swedging going on.
Completing the game comes all too soon. There”s an option to go back and play again, to find costumes and comics hidden throughout the levels, but this doesn”t take long either. The latter gives access to a gallery of old issue covers and a brief synopsis of their plots. For those interested in the history of the comic they”re worth collecting. Then again, it might have been better if they”d showed some of the actual pages inside. As a side note, they don”t look that clear either, and could”ve been put in a higher resolution.
So, it”s another console game transition that adds nothing new apart from a higher resolution and mouse support in the main menu. The complete lack of opportunity to fix the camera, is a bit of a disappointment. The same goes with the ease of play. Which is a shame because, as a comic book game, it”s one of the best around.It just helps if you can see what you”re doing most of the time.
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{“@context”:””,”@type”:”article”,”mainEntityOfPage”:{“@type”:”WebPage”,”@id”:””},”dateCreated”:”2021-03-07 05:18:10″,”datePublished”:”2021-03-07 05:18:10″,”dateModified”:”2021-03-07 05:18:10″,”url”:””,”headline”:”The Amazing Spider – Download Spider Man Game”,”name”:”The Amazing Spider – Download Spider Man Game”,”articleBody”:”Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game.
Activision, Neversoft Entertainment, and Treyarch Invention
Dreamcast, GameCube, PC, Playstation 2,
Nintendo 64, GameBoy Color, Playstation, PSX, GBA
Editor Rating:
7.7/10, based on 14 reviews, 15 reviews are shown
User Rating:
7.2/10 – 101 votes
Rate this game:
Meanwhile, back at the office… Plunging straight into questions of authenticity, this is a game that truly answers the calling for genuine comic book thrills. All the elements are there: the corny wise-cracks, the larger than life superheroes, the ruthlessly inefficient villains.Spider-Man, in particular, looks fantastic in his transition into 3D and executes his plethora of moves just as would be expected of him. The supporting cast and characters carry off their own distinctive stylings quite well, bringing more to mind the recent Saturday morning cartoon than anything else.
The levels themselves don”t hold up quite so well, though. While projecting an adequate comic-book feel, they are still a little bland sometimes. Because of the game”s console origins, of course, and we knew from the start that they weren”t going to make major improvements, but it seems” a shame when the PC is capable of a lot more detail. Still, that”s something we”re going to have to live with, so we might as well look at the game itself.
The Supporting Cast
In a genre that doesn”t rely heavily on plot, don”t expect anything too substantial. While the story draws its influences from the comic, it”s basically just an excuse to shove in a handful of differently themed levels leading to a fair few rapidly-skewed plot U-turns along the way. It”s self-contained and plays out more like a “best of” collection than something that carries on the continuity of the comics. No bad thing, of course, and at least they concede to the introduction of something moderately new at the end for fans. With an array of villains throughout the years, they were spoilt for choice when deciding who to include, but most of the more well-known names manage to squeeze themselves in, from Doctor Octopus, Venom and Mysterio, with others like The Green Goblin, Sandman and Kingpin probably being reserved for sequels.
For the truly devoted, there are even a few cameo appearances that integrate the game firmly in the Marvel Universe. The more confusing issues of Spider-Man continuity are explained in brief through the main menu. It isn”t necessary to understand completely what”s happening to enjoy the game, but it helps that they”ve put it in to stop Spider-Man newbies feeling confused over what exactly a symbiote is and why there”s a man-sized lizard in a lab coat lurking in the sewers. As well as heroes like The Punisher and Daredevil appearing in cut-scenes, you can expect to see throwaway references dotted around the levels in the form of billboards and other things. All topped off nicely by the charming voice of ubiquitous doyen, Stan Lee, introducing the game in his inimitable style.
Don”t Make Mine Marvel
And it flows on a downhill gradient from there. Spider-Man”s ability to crawl on any surface may look good but, unfortunately, it”s hard to control the way you”re supposed to move because of the awkward camera. In fact, the whole game is plagued by this problem: it”s too slow in trying to keep up with all the action. Especially during the web-swinging levels, where the ability to break off and swing in a different direction is compounded by your lack of vision. The camera adjusts itself automatically but there”s no way to stop it and control it yourself, and because of this, the frustration factor is raised considerably.
Marks then for the autotargeting feature, which when fighting does something to alleviate this tardy camera problem. Not a lot mind you, but it helps. Likewise, shooting webs -Spider-Man intelligently targets the closest wall without difficulty, but trying to see it yourself is a different matter entirely, if you don”t adjust yourself or enter the ponderous target mode.
Talking about keeping it simple, yep, you guessed it: it”s way too easy.There are four difficulty modes but even the hardest setting doesn”t take long to complete. That isn”t to say it”s not possible to die, because it is, rather it”s the brevity of the levels themselves. There are 34 levels but most feel too short, some even seem like part of a level split by a short cut-scene. You don”t have any lives to speak of, but unlimited continues mean you can soon get past any tricky sections.
What it does have, though, is a welcome attempt at variety. What this means is one level will see you swinging through New York being chased over rooftops by a police chopper, another fighting your way over the top of a train, and a third defeating one of the bosses. While not as mixed as it likes to think it is, it allows you to fully utilise Spider-Man”s powers. The main fighting operates on a sub-Final Fight style level, with a high degree of mindless fist-and-forget non-tactical swedging going on.
Completing the game comes all too soon. There”s an option to go back and play again, to find costumes and comics hidden throughout the levels, but this doesn”t take long either. The latter gives access to a gallery of old issue covers and a brief synopsis of their plots. For those interested in the history of the comic they”re worth collecting. Then again, it might have been better if they”d showed some of the actual pages inside. As a side note, they don”t look that clear either, and could”ve been put in a higher resolution.
So, it”s another console game transition that adds nothing new apart from a higher resolution and mouse support in the main menu. The complete lack of opportunity to fix the camera, is a bit of a disappointment. The same goes with the ease of play. Which is a shame because, as a comic book game, it”s one of the best around.It just helps if you can see what you”re doing most of the time.