Tải Game Samurai Shodown Ii, Samurai Shodown: The Legend Of Samurai Update 01/2025
Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game.
I was blown away the first time I played Samurai Shodown 2. The first game was a fun fighting game, using weapons in a fighting game at the time blew my mind. However, rather than just give us more of the same, SNK went all in and made a whole new game from the ground up. Seriously the best compliment I can give this game is that once you play it, it is pretty much impossible to go back to the first game.
One Year On
I like how SNK introduced some fun lore into the series here. The game is set just a year after the first game and Samurai Shodown 2 introduces a new big bad for the characters to take on. Big evil wanting to take over the world, blah, blah you know the deal. However, the setting and the presentation really do make you take notice of what is going down. Plus, each character has their own story and ending so you will want to beat the game with everyone.
Refined Combat
I said that once you play this there is no going back to the first game and the reason for that is the gameplay. SNK enhanced pretty much everything that could be enhanced with this game. The fighting is just flat out fantastic. You have many new moves that you can do such as a parry which was if I am not mistaken one of the first times this was used in a fighting game. Things feel much tighter and more responsive and as a result, the game is way more fun.
A huge part of what makes Samurai Shodown 2 is the fact that the fighting is very deep and you can certainly master a character like you would in Street Fighter. However, the gameplay also suits people who just want to button mash and have fun. Although, against the AI button mashing on the higher difficulties is not going to get you anywhere as the AI can be super cheap!
The Beauty Of Japan
Pretty much the whole roster from the first game is here along with 6 brand new characters. Like in other fighting games in character has their own backstory, design, moves and so on. What makes them stand out is that SNK quality. The artwork in this game is just amazing, the characters have a ton of animation and each stage is full of little details. I liked how there were many breakable things in the stages. Sure, it does nothing to the gameplay, but it is a nice touch and helps the stages feel more “real” if you know what I am saying.
I think that Samurai Shodown 2 is a truly awesome fighting game. First time I saw this in arcades in the mid-90s I was amazed at how much better it was than the first game. If this is a franchise you are new to, I would recommend that you skip the first one and jump straight into this. It is a fun game that is very addictive and you will want to master it. Also, you can play with a buddy and just button mash your way through it and have a blast together.
The game looks phenomenalI love the soundtrack Each stage feels unique and specialLots of characters to play as The game is deep, but also a lot of fun
The AI on higher difficulties can be very cheapI think some of the other games in the series might be a tad better
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I was blown away the first time I played Samurai Shodown 2. The first game was a fun fighting game, using weapons in a fighting game at the time blew my mind. However, rather than just give us more of the same, SNK went all in and made a whole new game from the ground up. Seriously the best compliment I can give this game is that once you play it, it is pretty much impossible to go back to the first game.
One Year On
I like how SNK introduced some fun lore into the series here. The game is set just a year after the first game and Samurai Shodown 2 introduces a new big bad for the characters to take on. Big evil wanting to take over the world, blah, blah you know the deal. However, the setting and the presentation really do make you take notice of what is going down. Plus, each character has their own story and ending so you will want to beat the game with everyone.
Refined Combat
I said that once you play this there is no going back to the first game and the reason for that is the gameplay. SNK enhanced pretty much everything that could be enhanced with this game. The fighting is just flat out fantastic. You have many new moves that you can do such as a parry which was if I am not mistaken one of the first times this was used in a fighting game. Things feel much tighter and more responsive and as a result, the game is way more fun.
A huge part of what makes Samurai Shodown 2 is the fact that the fighting is very deep and you can certainly master a character like you would in Street Fighter. However, the gameplay also suits people who just want to button mash and have fun. Although, against the AI button mashing on the higher difficulties is not going to get you anywhere as the AI can be super cheap!
The Beauty Of Japan
Pretty much the whole roster from the first game is here along with 6 brand new characters. Like in other fighting games in character has their own backstory, design, moves and so on. What makes them stand out is that SNK quality. The artwork in this game is just amazing, the characters have a ton of animation and each stage is full of little details. I liked how there were many breakable things in the stages. Sure, it does nothing to the gameplay, but it is a nice touch and helps the stages feel more u201crealu201d if you know what I am saying.
I think that Samurai Shodown 2 is a truly awesome fighting game. First time I saw this in arcades in the mid-90s I was amazed at how much better it was than the first game. If this is a franchise you are new to, I would recommend that you skip the first one and jump straight into this. It is a fun game that is very addictive and you will want to master it. Also, you can play with a buddy and just button mash your way through it and have a blast together.
The game looks phenomenalI love the soundtrack Each stage feels unique and specialLots of characters to play as The game is deep, but also a lot of fun
The AI on higher difficulties can be very cheapI think some of the other games in the series might be a tad better “,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Hou00e0ng Long”,”url”:”https://loltruyenky.vn/author/hoanglong/”,”sameAs”:[“https://loltruyenky.vn/”]},”articleSection”:[“Hu01b0u1edbng Du1eabn”],”publisher”:{“@type”:”Organization”,”name”:””,”url”:”https://loltruyenky.vn”,”logo”:{“@type”:”ImageObject”,”url”:””},”sameAs”:[“https://twitter.com/LolTruyen”,”https://www.linkedin.com/in/lol-truy%E1%BB%81n-k%E1%BB%B3-a0254620b/”,”https://www.pinterest.com/vnloltruyenky/”]}}
{“@context”:”http://schema.org”,”@type”:”hentry”,”entry-title”:”Tu1ea3i Game Samurai Shodown Ii, Samurai Shodown: The Legend Of Samurai”,”published”:”2021-02-27 16:50:50″,”updated”:”2021-02-27 16:50:50″}
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