Mini Guide Dota 2: Tiny – Hướng Dẫn Chơi Tiny Cho Người Chơi Mới Update 09/2024



Tiny is a carry with a large amount of health and attack damage. In the early game, he uses his


Avalanche and


Toss combo to deal burst damage in ganks. As he acquires more items, Tiny transitions into a full-fledged carry, capable of wiping entire teams and demolishing buildings with


Tree Grab. With every level in


Grow, he gains more damage and armor, although he does lose some attack speed. With a


Blink Dagger, Tiny also makes an effective initiator. However, Tiny is susceptible to disables, and can be shut down by intense harassment in the early game.

Đang xem: Mini guide dota 2: tiny

High early game burst damage.High late game splash damage.Decent at clearing stacks.Gains even more damage and armor with his ultimate.Low mana.Needs a good early game.Does not get any agility at all, which results in abysmal attack speed and armor.Low attack speed without items.Loses attack speed with every point Tiny puts into his ultimate.


Tiny only needs


Blink Dagger and levels in Avalanche and Toss to deal serious damage, earning kills for his team throughout the mid game. It may be worth it to delay leveling Grow until Avalanche and Toss are maxed out in order to maximize ability damage.


Instead of farming heroes, carry Tiny farms stacks of neutral creep camps, especially ancient ones, by using Tree Grab”s splash damage. He should invest in items that grant attack speed to complement his huge attack damage, resulting in consistent damage output in team fights.

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Ability Builds

Ganker Tiny
Carry Tiny


Hero Talents







Toss Charges



Avalanche Cooldown


Toss Requires No Target






Avalanche Damage



Tree Grab Attack Charges

+25 Damage+15 Movement Speed


Tips & Tactics


Tiny has high base attack damage, which makes last hitting a breeze.Tiny suffers from low mana. In the early game, one ability or ability combo will often use up all his mana.Tiny has poor lane presence and should be supported by another hero if necessary.Tiny has great strength gain, but poor intelligence and no agility gain.Despite his appearance, Tiny”s absence of armor in the early game make him vulnerable to physical attacks.While Tiny has the potential to be a relentless force in the late game, his scaling process is delicate. Good players must know how to farm well in the early game to keep pace with other carries.A poorly farmed Tiny will become a burden to his team in the mid and late game.To clear creep waves, Toss enemy ranged creep into enemy melee creeps and finish with Tree Grab attacks or Tree Throw.



AvalancheTossed units take triple damage from Avalanche, bursting most heroes in the early to mid game.To perform the combo, get close to the enemy, use Avalanche then Toss right after.Since the duration of Toss lasts longer than that of Avalanche, if Tiny wants to take advantage of triple damage Avalanche, he can take the talent that grants Toss charges.In the late game though, space out Avalanche and Toss to maximize disabling duration since Tiny relies more on attacks to deal damage at that point.When ganking, use Avalanche to stun enemies so Tiny can walk up to them and Toss them to his allies.Avalanche has a 600 cast range, and its radius is slightly larger than its visual effect.Even though Avalanche has no cast point, it still takes some time to actually damage and stun enemies.


TossToss must target an enemy/allied unit, meaning that Tiny cannot simply Toss units anywhere on the map.If Toss targets the enemy that is going to be Tossed, that enemy will be thrown straight up in the air, and come back down on the same spot.Toss cannot target buildings, but will damage them if the Tossed unit hits the building within its AoE radius.To do so, target Toss on an enemy unit next to the building.When chasing a fleeing enemy, Toss an ally with a disable, buying Tiny enough time to catch up.Use Toss defensively to throw enemies away from Tiny.Use Toss offensively to throw enemies into Tiny”s teammates.Tiny will Toss the unit closest to him. He cannot directly choose which target to Toss.Be careful not to Toss an ally to their death.Toss interrupts channeled abilities.Tiny may choose to use Toss after the full duration of Avalanche”s stun if he wants to prioritize disabling over damaging, buying time for allies to follow.


Tree GrabTree hit charges last until used, so the ability does not need to be conserved while travelling to a fight.Use Tree Grab in the laning stage for bonus damage to last hit.Area damage from Tree Grab also serves as harassment against enemy heroes.Denying a friendly creep does not splash.Tree Throw gives vision along its path, revealing enemies hiding in trees.

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GrowGrow buffs Tiny”s attack damage, at the cost of degraded attack speed.His slow attack speed can be further exploited by enemies with abilities that slow attack speed.


Starting items: