Dark Moon was an event that ran from January 26 to February 6, 2017. Players defended Selemene”s temple from waves of invaders, and earned special event points that could be traded for rewards.
Đang xem: Lionheart: dark moon rpg
A team of 5 players defend against an onslaught of hordes for 15 rounds. Different enemies spawn each round with the spawns becoming harder every round.
5 players defend the Temple at the very north against waves of enemies that spawn from four lanes, which are scattered in all other directions.Almost each round has small units which come in masses and a few big units with special abilities.Two of the rounds are bonus rounds meant to gain an economic advantage, while additional 2 are boss rounds.Experience is gained by killing units (globally shared) and can be gained while dead.Gold is gained by picking up gold bags which enemies can drop upon getting killed. Each round has its gold cap. The bags can be picked up by walking over them.Enemies may also randomly drop instant health or mana restoring potions, which can be picked up by walking over them as well.Between each rounds, players have 30 seconds time to regroup and buy items before the next round starts.The game ends prematurely if the Ancient is destroyed, or if all five players die before round 15.
The Temple is located towards the north of the map. It is part of the objective and must be kept alive.Eight towers defend the Temple, four external ones and four internal ones.Towers that survive until the end of a round earn the team extra gold.Three shrines are found on the map, each with a 180 second cooldown.All towers and shrines respawn at the end of each round.Two shops are located on the map. One in the middle, and one near the top, next to the Temple.
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On death, a tombstone is left where the player died. Living teammates can right click on the tombstone to revive the player. This takes a channel time of six seconds.The more players that channel on the same tombstone, the quicker it will go.All players are revived with full health and mana at the end of each round.
Available heroes
Only a few heroes can be picked for this event.Some heroes have altered abilities made specifically for this event.
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Click on a hero”s icon to view its stats, modified/unique abilities and mechanics for this event.
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Players defended Selemene”s temple from waves of invaders, and earned special event points that could be traded for rewards. u0110ang xem: Lionheart: dark moon rpg A team of 5 players defend against an onslaught of hordes for 15 rounds. Different enemies spawn each round with the spawns becoming harder every round. Gameplay5 players defend the Temple at the very north against waves of enemies that spawn from four lanes, which are scattered in all other directions.Almost each round has small units which come in masses and a few big units with special abilities.Two of the rounds are bonus rounds meant to gain an economic advantage, while additional 2 are boss rounds.Experience is gained by killing units (globally shared) and can be gained while dead.Gold is gained by picking up gold bags which enemies can drop upon getting killed. Each round has its gold cap. The bags can be picked up by walking over them.Enemies may also randomly drop instant health or mana restoring potions, which can be picked up by walking over them as well.Between each rounds, players have 30 seconds time to regroup and buy items before the next round starts.The game ends prematurely if the Ancient is destroyed, or if all five players die before round 15. BuildingsThe Temple is located towards the north of the map. It is part of the objective and must be kept alive.Eight towers defend the Temple, four external ones and four internal ones.Towers that survive until the end of a round earn the team extra gold.Three shrines are found on the map, each with a 180 second cooldown.All towers and shrines respawn at the end of each round.Two shops are located on the map. One in the middle, and one near the top, next to the Temple. Xem thu00eam: Cu00e1ch Lu00ean u0110u1ed3 Triu1ec7u Vu00e2n Mu00f9a 17, Cu00e1ch Lu00ean u0110u1ed3, Phu00f9 Hiu1ec7u Triu1ec7u Vu00e2n RevivingOn death, a tombstone is left where the player died. Living teammates can right click on the tombstone to revive the player. This takes a channel time of six seconds.The more players that channel on the same tombstone, the quicker it will go.All players are revived with full health and mana at the end of each round. Available heroesOnly a few heroes can be picked for this event.Some heroes have altered abilities made specifically for this event. Xem thu00eam: Backgammon Lu00e0 Gu00ec? Chi Tiu1ebft Cu00e1ch Chu01a1i Internet Backgammon Trong 5 Phu00fat! Click on a hero”s icon to view its stats, modified/unique abilities and mechanics for this event.