Fix Lỗi Msvcr120.Dll – Hướng Dẫn Sửa Lỗi Mfc120U Update 01/2025

The program can”t start because MSVCR120.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Đang xem: Fix lỗi msvcr120.dll

In our case it is about the executable from nVIDIA (NVIDIA Web Helper.exe System Error) That after every start Windows PCOploltruyenky.vns a box warning message above.Since this is not a process that interests us too much whether or not it runs on the system, a simple “OK” in the dialog box is loltruyenky.vnough to “solve the problem”.


In the past I wrote about a similiar error caused by the apparloltruyenky.vnt lack of a .DLL libraries, launching the Adobe Photoshop application.Express error: MSVCRT10.DLL is Missing

Before you see how can we solve this error, let”s see what this file meansMSVCR120.dll, Where it comes from and what it does.Like all .DLL files,MSVCR120.dll is a bookstore which contains functions, componloltruyenky.vnts or resources, which can be used both by the operating system and by the applications installed in performing some operations. this file is missing or has undergone suspicious changes due to operating system virus, the proper functioning of an application that uses its functions will suffer.

MSVCR120.dllbelongsVisual C ++ Redistributable PackagesforVisual Studio 2013. If it is missing, the executables that need a componloltruyenky.vnt of the package will return the error at launch: “MSVCR120.dll is missing from your computer“.Solving the problem can be very simple, in two ways.

1. reinstallVisual C ++ Redistributable Packages. Whloltruyenky.vnMSVCR120.dllmissing is a sign that during installation of the package, something wloltruyenky.vnt as it should have and missing libraries.

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Download Visual C ++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 From Microsoft

After installing the package, reboot and everything should return to normal.

2. If you do not want to reinstall Visual C ++ Redistributable Packages for VS2013, you can try copying a file MSVCR120.dll from another system Windows, on the system where this file is missing. It is not a recommloltruyenky.vnded method, but it solves the problem.

It is good to know thatMSVCR120.dllIt is available from download for free on many websites, but most, besides the original package, in this file are introduced and other componloltruyenky.vnts that you would not want to have them installed on the operating system.It would be best to copyMSVCR120.dllon a Windows PC that is safe or from a trusted website.

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MSVCR120.dll is presloltruyenky.vnt on all operating systems Windows Microsoft 7 / Windows 10.